Releases: TheMulhima/Lumafly
Changes in v3.1.0.0
- Add button to revert changes to the mods before pack was loaded
- Add prompt for updating outdated mods in packs.
- Make edit pack button more visible
- Fix previous release notes not showing if an update was skipped
- Allow loading packs without replacing mods in mods folder
Changes in v3.0.0.0
Modpacks - create mod presets to quickly switch between them and share them.
Rebrand installer to Lumafly
UI overhaul (side panel in mod list, new colors)
Improve mod download speed (by not downloading MAPI every time)
Add button to view mod readmes in app
Improve tag search options (allow exlusion and add tag for untagged mods)
Add buttons to open logs and installer settings folder
Fix manually install and download url scheme command
Allow searching through authors
- TheMulhima - Most of the changes.
- Acu1000 - Helped with many changes
- Lime - Lumafly banner
- HBKit - Lumafly icon
Changes in v2.3.0.0
Add option to cache downloads (making uninstalling and reinstalling quicker).
Add Spanish translations (thanks to Adrin and Helen).
Add Russian translations (thanks to Страг).
Add ability to change preffered language that Scarab uses.
Add option to skip update.
Use noto sans font - for uniformity bewteen OS and fixes issue with Chinese fonts.
New url scheme commands: useOfficialModlinks and launch (usage scarab://launch/vanilla or scarab://launch/modded)
Fully localize settings page.
Fix issue with big log file causing Scarab to not open.
Fix issue with showing prompts on resetting mod
If toggling will delete a folder, ask for confirmation before doing so
- TheMulhima - Most of the changes.
- Adrin and Helen - Spanish translations
- Страг - Russain transaltions
- Add confirmation prompt for url scheme commands.
- Add additional info that can be changed without needing update.
- Correct SHA256 checking when downloading from modlinks.
- Fix handling of download url scheme when custom links provided.
- Fix crash that happens on auto uninstall dependencies confimation window.
Changes in v2.1.0.1
Additional Features
- Improve performace by upgrading framework
- Make it easier to update via the new auto updater in windows. Also shows change log before asking to update.
- Add mod actions panel, a set of buttons in the mod's expander that allow you to
- Get shareable link of that mod.
- Reset the mod.
- Report an error in the mod.
- Open the folder of the mod.
- Edit the mod's global settings file.
- Sort mods in whats new tab by date.
- Add info panel with relevant links and launch vanilla/modded game
- Add French Translations (by @Dastan21).
- Add enable all bulk action.
- Add URL scheme handling for linux.
- Add ability to provide custom download urls in download command.
- Add url scheme to remove global settings.
Bug Fixes
- Fix the issue where scarab sometimes freezes on load.
- Prevent occasional random crashes on load.
- Fix the issue where toggling a mod causes it to appear in both mods folder and disabled folder.
- Fix pinned mods
- Fix not in modlinks mods pinned status not being reset.
- Fix removed mods pinned status not being removed.
- Fix manually installed button
- Ensure only 1 mod exists by deleting old if exists.
- Ensure the mod state is correct after placing it.
- Fix mod filter button showing selected when its not.
- Fix not installed mods showing in ask prompt for uninstalled unused dependencies.
- Don't delete log files in reset url scheme which causes resetting to always show an error.
- Get correct vanilla assembly for each os on disable API
QoL Changes
- Improve path selector.
- New install and update button UI.
- Ability to register mod as not from modlinks by right clicking it.
- When updating, disable use of Install/Enable/Update buttons
- TheMulhima - Most of the changes (@TheMulhima) .
- Dastan21 - French Translation (@Dastan21).
- luiz_eldorado - Portuguese translations (@luizeldorado).
- Clazex - Chinese translations (@Clazex).
Changes in v2.0.0.0
Additional Features:
- Improved search options (Filter by tags, by authors, search for dependents).
- An offline mode.
- Filter for newly released/updated mods.
- Ability to pin mods. (by @JacksonFaller)
- Manually install button.
- Auto uninstall unused dependencies. (by @JacksonFaller)
- Show all mods that are installed, even if they are manually installed.
- Adds a button to open any mod's global settings file.
- Ability to load Scarab's mod list from custom modlinks.
- Lists authors of mods.
- A settings tab for scarab's settings.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes the bug where scarab sometimes didn't download a mod or update its dependencies properly.
- Update on version difference instead of only on lower version.
- Fixed bug where Scarab showed a modded install as vanilla. Instead now if that happens and scarab can't fix the issue by itself, it prompts to verify integrity.
- Ensures the config file can be written to before starting app.
- Makes sure that the enabled states of mod actually match if they are in disabled folder or not.
- Better handling for MS Store version of the game.
- Checks dependencies are installed when toggling on a mod. (by @JacksonFaller)
- Fixed Scarab showing blank screen on initial load.
QoL Changes
- More detailed errors.
- Mod details are more compact.
- Better UI for repository link.
- Indication of what mod filter is on.
- Button to clear search.
- Button to open saves folder.
- Allows clickable links in descriptions of mods.
- Adds more bulk actions (Disable All, Uninstall All, Update All, Enable All).
- @TheMulhima - Most of the changes
- @Clazex - Chinese translations and compatibility
- @JacksonFaller - Pinning Mods, Auto uninstall unused dependencies, check dependencies are installed when toggling on a mod.
- @jngo102 - Tabs
- @luizeldorado - Portuguese translations
Note: This was the initial pre-release for v2.0.0.0 for testing purposes
Additional Features:
- Improved search options
- Filter by tags
- Search in mod's descriptions
- Search for mods that are dependent or integrate with a mod
- Allows queueing multiple downloads at a time (you don't have to wait for 1 mod to finish downloading before starting another)
- A new tab that shows all the new mods that were released recently
- Adds a button to open the mod's settings file
- A button to properly place a mod dll/zip to manually install it
- Show all mods that are installed, even if they are manually installed
- Lists authors of mods.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixes the bug where scarab sometimes didn't download a mod or update its dependencies properly.
- Update on version difference instead of only on lower version
- Fixed bug where Scarab showed a modded install as vanilla. Instead now if that happens and scarab can't fix the issue by itself, it prompts to verify integrity
- ensures the config file can be written to before starting app
- makes sure that the enabled states of mod actually match if they are in disabled folder or not
QoL Changes
- More detailed errors
- Warnings before uninstalling mods that others are dependent on
- Mod details are more compact.
- Better UI for repository link
- Indication of what mod filter is on
- Button to clear search
- Button to open saves folder
- Allows clickable links in descriptions of mods
- Adds more bulk actions (Disable All, Uninstall All, Force Update All)