The original resource by IntellectualSites can be found here
Arkitektonika is a REST repository for NBT data. It accepts uploads of valid NBT data and stores them in a local folder
while accounting for its metadata in a local sqlite database. Optionally, uploaded files can be expired based on the
configurable age by running the prune script. Files can always be deleted via their deletion key.
git clone &&
cd Arkitektonika &&
docker compose up
git clone &&
cd Arkitektonika &&
./gradlew shadowJar &&
java -jar $(find build/libs/ -name "*.jar" -print -quit)
"port": 3000,
"prune": 1800000,
"maxSchematicSize": 1000000,
"allowedOrigin": "*",
"limiter": {
"windowMs": 60000,
"delayAfter": 30,
"delayMs": 500
the limiter
is not implemented yet
Config Key | Description |
port | on which port should the application bind |
prune | defines how old records must be to be deleted by the prune script (in ms) |
maxSchematicSize | maximum size of schematic files to be accepted (in bytes) |
limiter.windowMs | the frame of the limiter (after what duration should the limit gets reset) |
limiter.delayAfter | After how many requests during windowMs should delayMs be applied |
limiter.delayMs | How many ms should the request take longer. Formula: currentRequestDelay = (currentRequestAmount - delayAfter) * delayMs |
├── config.json
└── database.db
holds the user configuration data
holds the required data for each schematic
holds all schematic file data
All routes will be available at the exposed port (e.g. localhost:3000
GET INSTANCE_URL/base64/{download_key}
: get the file bytes as base64 encoded string
curl --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/base64/db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24'
Code | Meaning |
200 | Success |
404 | File was not found in the database |
500 | A server error occurred |
response body: base64 string
GET INSTANCE_URL/size/{download_key}
: get the file size
curl --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/size/db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24'
Code | Meaning |
200 | Success |
404 | File was not found in the database |
500 | A server error occurred |
success body: 43554
(in bytes)
GET INSTANCE_URL/expiration/{download_key}
: get the file expiration date
curl --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/expiration/db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24'
Code | Meaning |
200 | Success |
404 | File was not found in the database |
500 | A server error occurred |
success body: 2717940582741
(in millis)
PUT INSTANCE_URL/expiration/{delete_key}/{expiration}
: set the file expiration date
curl --request PUT 'http://localhost:3000/expiration/11561161dffe4a1298992ce063be5ff9/2717940582741'
Code | Meaning |
200 | Expiration updated |
404 | File was not found in the database |
500 | A server error occurred |
: send your file as multipart/form-data; example:
curl --request POST 'http://localhost:3000/upload' --form 'schematic=@/path/to/plot.schem'
Code | Meaning |
200 | File was of valid NBT format and was accepted |
400 | File was not of valid NBT format |
413 | File payload was too large and rejected |
500 | Upload failed |
success body:
"download_key": "db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24",
"delete_key": "11561161dffe4a1298992ce063be5ff9",
"expiration_date": 1717940582741
The download key allows you to download the file, and the delete key lets you delete it. Share the download_key
, but
not the delete_key
PUT INSTANCE_URL/rename/{deletion_key}/{name}
: rename a file with the given deletion_key
; example:
curl --request PUT 'http://localhost:3000/rename/11561161dffe4a1298992ce063be5ff9/renamed-plot.schem'
Code | Meaning |
200 | File was successfully renamed |
404 | File was not found in the database |
GET INSTANCE_URL/download/{download_key}
: download a file with the given download_key
; example:
curl --request GET 'http://localhost:3000/download/db6186c8795740379d26fc61ecba1a24'
The response for this is in the form of status codes only.
Code | Meaning |
200 | File was found, prospective download would succeed |
404 | File was not found in the database |
410 | File metadata is in accounting table, but file is not on disk or already expired |
500 | An internal server error occurred due to corrupted metadata (missing data in database) |
On success, the file is sent as an attachment for download to the browser / requester.
DELETE PUBLIC_URL/delete/{delete_key}
: delete a file with the given delete_key
; example:
curl --request DELETE 'http://localhost:3000/delete/11561161dffe4a1298992ce063be5ff9'
The response for this is in the form of status codes only.
Code | Meaning |
200 | File was found, prospective deletion would succeed |
404 | File was not found in the database |
410 | File metadata is in accounting table, but file is not on disk or already expired |
500 | An internal server error occurred due to corrupted metadata (missing data in database) |
On success, the file is deleted and the record is marked as expired in the database.