Releases: TheOtherRolesAU/TheOtherRoles
The Other Roles v4.8.0
Version 4.8.0
- Added an optional Role Draft mode, where players can select their role out of some roles that are shown to them.
- Added a new option to allow the medic to shift the medic shield as well - no more invincible medics.
- Added partial key rebinding - all kill buttons will now use the vanilla kill button shortcut, same for vent and each role's first ability.
- Fixed the options view panel to match vanilla changes
- Fixed options not showing/hiding sub-options when switching Presets
- Fixed a bug where voting the witch would not save the target
- Fixed some bugs with the trapper, bomber and portal
- Fixed a bug in PropHunt where players could not transform into props
- Fixed the summary button for the last game appearing outside the lobby sometimes
- Changed the positioning of the ping tracker in meetings
The Other Roles v4.7.0
Version 4.7.0
- Updated to Among Us version 2024.11.26 (Vanilla Updates)
- Added a new modifier, Armored. The first time the armored would die by an ordinary kill, they are protected by their Armor. (NesTT17 & Gendelo, idea by zFinnyX)
- Added the possibility to use the shift keys to (re-)join a lobby, if you just left a lobby or you have a lobby code copied to the clipboard. (twix & Gendelo)
- Added a setting to Guesser Mode: "Number Of Tasks Needed To Unlock Shooting For Crew Guesser" (NesTT17, idea by DracoL1ch & multiple other players)
- Fixed a bug with the Tracker's Proximity Meter - it now disappears after the meeting if the target is dead and no new target can be tracked.
- Fixed a bug with the "Fill Crewmates" option, where selecting a range for min/max neutral roles would often lead to players being plain crewmates without a role
- Fixed a bug where a passive lover death of a role that can suicide would sometimes give the medium incorrect info.
- Fixed a bug where the zoom out button would be shown to ghosts during meetings.
- Changed the way options are shown in the menu: Disabling an option (e.g. a role or modifier spawn chance) will now hide its depending sub-options again (like pre 4.6.0 with the old menu)
- Change: Significantly decreased the size of our mod by using compression. (Thanks to miniduikboot for giving us a gentle push)
Note: A manual update is required.
The Other Roles v4.6.0
Version 4.6.0
- Updated to Among Us version 2024.6.18 (Vanilla Update with new UI elements and many Server Side Changes)
- Added a completely new UI for the Mod's Options, using the new Vanilla Design.
- Added a button to switch gamemodes in the lobby
- Added an option to enable the Chat-Notification in game (in Mod Options)
- Fixed a bug where the shielding the bomber would show a murder attempt on the bomber, when they plant a bomb (sorry Vlesk)
- Fixed a bug in PropHunt, where the background of the Prop-Display was visible in the cameras
- Fixed a bug where guessing a player would sometimes not return the votes to the voters
- Fixed a bug where the Lawyer would not properly die when guessing the client
- Removed: Disabled Vanilla Servers for now, as the mod is incompatible with them in its / their current state. Thanks to Miniduikboot for making custom servers great again!
- Experimental: Advanced users can try to install the mod on the Windows Store Version of Among Us. No Support Provided!
Note: A manual update is required.
The Other Roles v4.5.3
Version 4.5.3
- Added a new role: Yo-Yo (Impostor) - Mark and blink to a position, then blink back to the start of the blink!
- Added a new option to Jackal And Sidekick: Jackal / Sidekick can sabotage lights (cooldown syncs with Imp Sabotages)
- Added a new option: Block Dead Impostor From Sabotaging
- Added a new option to the Tracker: Tracking Type: Arrow, Proximity Meter, Both
- Added a new feature: The host is always displayed to all players, in the meeting ui and ping tracker text
- Added a new feature: Ghosts see the icons of all players on their map
- Fixed the chat command to ban a player from the lobby
- Fixed an issue where killing in PropHunt crashed the lobby
- Fixed an issue with the very short kill distance in Vanilla HideNSeek
- Changed trapper trap: is now visible with transparency to the trapper while inactive
Thanks to twix for your help!
The Other Roles v4.5.2
- Updated to Among Us version 2024.3.5s (various small / "long" features and bugfixes)
- Updated BepInEx dependency to 688
- Added a new feature: Stop the game start (With an option to allow any player to stop it)
- Added a new option (guesser mode): Sidekick is always guesser
- Fixed the Arsonist Win - death reasons for already dead players are no longer replaced
- Changed the implementation of the Detective footprints - Improved performance can be expected
- Changed the medic shield: Is now also displayed in meetings to players who can see it, with brackets around the name
The Other Roles v4.5.1
A small hotfix release for the broken PropHunt Mode.
- Fix a bug that lead to Props not being able to use the disguise button
The Other Roles v4.5.0
- Updated to Among Us version 2023.11.28 (with the new map, Fungle)
- Added a new feature: Show Vents on Map (toggle in your local options)
- Added a new kill distance: Very Short (thanks twix)
- Added a feature to change the gamemode in the settings: /gm (host only)
- Fixed a bug where Pet visibility was sometimes wrong
- Fixed the HatLoader - testing hats should work again (thanks EnoPM)
- Changed the HatLoader - loading the hats does not require a restart of the mod anymore
- Changed the ModUpdater (thanks EnoPM)
- Changed the Vampire: Kills will be delayed a bit longer if the target is using a ladder, platform or zipline
Note: Compatibility with Submerged and LevelImposter is not tested yet.
The Other Roles v4.4.2
Another small update, bringing you new colors and a MOTD feature in the main menu. We wanted to have this update out before the FUNGLE map will be released by Innersloth in October!
- Added 10 new colors and adapted some existing ones (thanks to Avlona & Listoric for sorting our colors!)
- Added a message of the day feature in the main menu. Look out for interesting news and lame jokes!
Last version for auto-updater: v4.4.1
The Other Roles v4.4.1
Fixed a bug where PropHunt buttons did not work for the Hunters after watching the intro cutscene.
Last version for auto-updater: v4.4.0
The Other Roles v4.4.0
This might look like it's a small update but it's not! We introduce a new game mode, PropHunt. It's losely based on a previous standalone mod with this name by ugackMiner53, but we have added tons of features!
- Added a new gamemode, PropHunt. Players can disguise as objects on the map
- Changed Lighter and Darker colors: L/D are no longer random, but rather assigned in alternating order.
Last version for auto-updater: v4.3.4