An automatic grader for programming assignments on Canvas. The grader can be used as a wrapper around existing test scripts with ideally minimal refactoring.
- Python 3.6
- Requests
- py (optional; for unit tests)
The requirements to the PyCanvasGrader script are
- Python 3.6 interpreter
- A Canvas access token
This can be found by going to
in Canvas and going to the button that says+ New Access Token
. More information can be found at here - A skeleton to configure the grader to run the tests.
Once you have installed a Python3.6 interpreter, you can install/configure the grader by following the shell example below.
git clone
cd pygrader
python3.6 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
chmod +x
# In the following commands replace $EDITOR with your editor of choice.
$EDITOR access.token # Paste the token into the file.
$EDITOR skeletons/$SKELETON # replace $SKELETON with the filename you want for the skeleton
./ # start the grader
Note: PyCanvasGrader works best with Python virtual environments. Make sure that you always have the virtualenv activated before running the PyCanvasGrader.
The grader can be configured using what are called skeletons. These are configuration files written either in JSON or TOML which tell the grader how to grade submissions. They control things like:
- Point values for each test
- Proper output matching
- Automatic timeouts
A common use pattern is to write an test script which the grader then uses to determine points.
Below is a sample skeleton written using the TOML format, which tests a simple
C program with the expected behavior of ./hello <name>
printing Hello, <name>!
# What the skeleton selection menu in the grader will call this skeleton
descriptor = "./hello tests"
# Disables the grader from committing to Canvas
disarm = true
# Defaults which all test cases will inherit unless overridden
command = "./hello"
exact_match = false
point_val = 5
command = "gcc"
args = ["%s", "-o", "hello"]
point_val = 10 # override the point_val from 5 to 10
args = ["joe"]
output_match = "Hello, Joe!"
args = ["World"]
output_match = "Hello, World!"
Please fork this repository and create pull requests. A single pull request should solve a single issue or fix a single feature. Do not hesitate to create issues for bugs or feature requests.