-i PATHNAME # Input directory
-o FILENAME # Output .PKL file
-p NUMBER # Number of processes for pre-processing
-s True/False # Whether to save output and graphs from HOG
python3 main.py # Runs the classifier with default settings
python3 main.py -p 16 # Runs the classifier with the specified number of processes. 1-63 are valid inputs
python3 main.py -s True # Saves the outputs of HOG and plots their feature graphs
matplotlib 3.5.2
scikit-image 0.19.3
scikit-learn 1.1.1
scipy 1.8.1
threadpoolctl 3.1.0
tqdm 4.64.0
imutils 0.5.4
/temp/*.pkl - These files are temporary and can be ignored. They are removed at the beginning of each run
/plots/* - The feature plots of images (in no particular order)
/processed/* - The visualizations of HOG data (in no particular order)
output.pkl - The consolidated data matrix after pre-processing
2d_representation_plot.png - 2d State-Space graph of data
Elbow_graph.png - Graph of # clusters vs variance