There's a website to use the VARIA Randomizer, Solver, Tracker, Plandomizer:
The current work in progress version is available on the beta website
You can join the VARIA discord too:
You need a git client:
dude@computer:~$ git clone --recurse-submodules
dude@computer:~$ cd RandomMetroidSolver
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ git submodule foreach git checkout main
The current work in progress version is in the master branch (the default one, accessible on beta website (, if you want the version running on the production website ( you have to checkout the production branch:
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ git checkout production
Basculement sur la branche 'production'
Votre branche est à jour avec 'origin/production'.
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (production)$
You need Python >= 3.6, it has been tested on Linux and CYGWIN.
As VARIA Randomizer has a lot of options, the easiest way to use it is with a Randomizer preset (--randoPreset), you also need a skill preset to tell the Randomizer which tricks he can use to acces the locations (--param) and a vanilla ROM (-r), you can optionally give a seed number (--seed), if not a random one is chosen:
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ python3.7 ./ -r ~/metroid/SuperMetroid.sfc --param standard_presets/Season_Races.json --randoPreset rando_presets/default.json --seed 1097821
You can start with an existing Randomizer preset and create a temporary one to update the parameters you want to change in the json, you can also set the parameters by hand but there's many many parameters (see web/controllers/ for the call to using parameters)
For startLocation, majorsSplit, progressionSpeed, progressionDifficulty, morphPlacement and energyQty if you set them to random you can add a second parameter to give the list of possible values (see haste Randomizer preset for an example).
To list all the Randomizer parameters and their description:
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ python3.7 ./ -h
the input parameters
--seed [SEED], -s [SEED]
randomization seed to use
--rom [ROM], -r [ROM]
the vanilla ROM
--randoPreset [RANDOPRESET]
rando preset file
There's less options for the Solver, it needs a seed (-r), a skill preset (--preset) and optionally a difficulty limit (--difficultyTarget) and a pickup stragegy (--pickupStrategy). You can display the spoiler log with -g.
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ python3.7 ./ -r VARIA_Randomizer_FX1097821_Season_Races_medium.sfc --preset standard_presets/Season_Races.json --difficultyTarget 10 --pickupStrategy all -g
The difficulty values:
easy = 1
medium = 5
hard = 10
harder = 25
hardcore = 50
mania = 100
see web/controllers/ for the call to using parameters.
To list all the Solver parameters and their description:
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ python3.7 ./ -h
the input rom
the preset file
the difficulty target that the solver will aim for
--pickupStrategy [{minimal,all,any}], -s [{minimal,all,any}]
Pickup strategy for the Solver
--displayGeneratedPath, -g
display the generated path (spoilers!)
You can call a VARIA website to generate your seed (a local one, beta or production) using the webservice client, it can be used for example on a Raspberry Pi with limited CPU power.
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ python3.7 ./ --rom ~/metroid/SuperMetroid.sfc --skillPreset standard_presets/Season_Races.json --randoPreset rando_presets/where_am_i.json --seed 1356988 --remoteUrl beta
VARIA_Randomizer_AFX1356988_Season_Races_VARIAble.sfc generated succesfully
To list all the Randomizer webservice client parameters and their description:
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ python3.7
--skillPreset [SKILLPRESET]
skill preset file
--rom [ROM] vanilla ROM file
--randoPreset [RANDOPRESET]
rando preset file
--seed [SEED] seed number (optional)
--remoteUrl [{local,beta,production}]
remote url to connect to
To change Samus sprite or apply patches or randomize palettes on an existing seed you have to call the Randomizer with the --patchOnly parameter. It'll generate a new ROM: VARIA.sfc
To add a sprite use --sprite, the available sprites are in itemrandomizerweb/patches/sprites/:
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ ls itemrandomizerweb/patches/sprites/
alucard.ips fed_trooper.ips hack_ascent.ips hack_escape2.ips hack_nature.ips hack_redesign.ips hitbox_helper.ips marga.ips samus.ips win95_cursor.ips
bailey.ips hack_ancient_chozo.ips hack_decision.ips hack_hyper.ips hack_phazon.ips hack_szm.ips luigi.ips megaman.ips super_controid.ips
To add one or more patches use --patch, the available patches listed in the same order as on the Customizer page:
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ python3.7 ./ -r VARIA_Randomizer_FX1097821_Season_Races_medium.sfc --patchOnly --sprite megaman.ips --patch itemsounds.ips --patch No_Music
startLocation:Landing Site
Apply patch itemsounds.ips
Apply patch No_Music
Apply patch megaman.ips
Rom generated: VARIA
Note: To apply colors randomization to an existing seed you have to add the colors randomization parameters to the randomizer on top of --patchOnly.
The parameters:
--palette Randomize the palettes
--min_degree [MIN_DEGREE]
--max_degree [MAX_DEGREE]
--invert invert color range
dude@computer:~/RandomMetroidSolver (master)$ python3.7 ./ -r VARIA_Randomizer_AFX8258621_Season_Races_VARIAble.sfc --patchOnly --sprite megaman.ips --patch itemsounds.ips --palette --min_degree -75 --max_degree 25 --invert
startLocation:Landing Site
Apply patch itemsounds.ips
Apply patch megaman.ips
Rom generated: VARIA
You can launch the web2py website locally using docker, it has been tested on Linux, macOS and WSL2:
root@computer:/home/dude/RandomMetroidSolver/web/docker# ./
root@computer:/home/dude/RandomMetroidSolver/web/docker# ./
Then you can connect to the local website on on Linux/macOS and http://WSL2-local-IP:8000/ on WSL2.
You can choose the branch to checkout with -b, and give a Github token with -t to be able to do git pull in the Docker image:
root@computer:/home/dude/RandomMetroidSolver/web/docker# ./ -b minimizer -t ~dude/RandomMetroidSolver/github_token
root@computer:/home/dude/RandomMetroidSolver/web/docker# ./ -b minimizer
There's other scripts to start/stop the containers: /, delete the containers/images: and update the git repository in an image: -b branch .