A navigation header/menu for a webpage.
Cool thing: Works good on mobile devices and on bigger browser windows.
Download the project as .zip and place it somewhere inside your server directory.
Unzip the package and rename the folder to "WebNavigationHeader".
Refer to the header.css, -.js and -.php files in all pages where you want to implement the header.
Your server needs to provide php!
Exchange the banner.png in the Images directory and edit the header.conf to match your needs.
For an example implementation visit my website and have a look at the source code.
All configurations are made in the header.conf file.
The navigation elements of the menu are defined in the Elements section.
"Example:example.php" will create a menu entry displaying "Example" and linking to the page "example.php".
Write a short description inside the Description section.
The content of this project itself is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, and the underlying source code used to format and display that content is licensed under the MIT license.