Application for user registration and book tracking for Fundación A Mano Manaba
The foundation "Fundación A Mano Manaba" is a small library run by vonlunteers in Don Juan beach, as small fishing village in Manabí province, Ecuador. This project intends to move the library's current book registry and user registry tools from a propietary platform into a mix of react.js front-end and elasticsearch back-end nosql database tools. Alongside the creation of these tools we intend to document all the steps taken so they can be converted (or imagined from the beginning) as a ludic pedagogic process to teach kids and adults of all ages how to build an application.
The foundation receives verly little funding and whenever there is an opportunity to receive another type of resource we are ready to accept it, any help counts. The use of a proprietary tool came as a form of assistance from helpful volunteers that set us up with a readily available tool for tracking library use, workshop participations and book tracking, however it came with temporary licensing that doesn't allow for use of the application to it's full potential. Staying and expanding in that platfrom would mean requiring to purchase a license and any assistance from other volunteers would require them to have knowledge on a set application that often need licensing. It would also be nice to build the library's application as open source software, and utilizing open source (and open code) tooling for full access to learning and development of other orgnaizations outside the library that are also in need of tooling for their libraries.
- Web front-end where Library users and volunteers create their account and register their daily access, book loans, and workshop attendance.
- Admin access to manage users.
- Dahsboards and statistical view for tracking Library use.
- Bar code tracking for books.
- Bar code tracking for users (user, book, workshp tracking with library card)
- Face recognition for users (user, book, workshop tracking with face recognition).