Uses native C++ code from repository to bring MurmurHashes (versions 2 and 3) with correct big numbers to node
int murmurHash2(string|Buffer data, [int seed]) - the simple implementation
int murmurHash2A(string|Buffer data, [int seed]) - the simple implementation w/ Merkle-Damgard-esque construction
int murmurHashAligned2(string|Buffer data, [int seed]) - the little-endian aligned-read-only implementation
int murmurHashNeutral2(string|Buffer data, [int seed]) - the (slower) endian-neutral implementation
string murmurHash64A(string|Buffer data, [int seed]) - 64-bit hash for 64-bit platforms, returns hex string
string murmurHash64B(string|Buffer data, [int seed]) - 64-bit hash for 32-bit platforms, returns hex string
int murmurHash3_x86_32(string|Buffer data, [int seed])
string murmurHash3_x86_128(string|Buffer data, [int seed]) - 128-bit hash for 32-bit platforms, returns hex string
string murmurHash3_x64_128(string|Buffer data, [int seed]) - 128-bit hash for 64-bit platforms, returns hex string
> var hasher = require("murmurhash-native")
> hasher.murmurHash3_x64_128("ws2yy")
> hasher.murmurHash2("ws2yy")
git clone --recursive ''
cd node-murmurhash-native
npm install
Note the --recursive option. It loads native MurmurHash repository with C++ modules
I found the more complete module for this task. It's better to use it instead of mine