This repository contains all Generals Zero Hour Ranked Maps.
Please create GitHub Account with identifiable community nickname and fork this repository. You can then add or change maps in candidate folder. When done, please create a Pull Request and reposity owner will accept it after review.
All maps must adhere to the following standards for ranking:
The map gives all players and teams equal chance of winning. Distances to Supply Docks and Tech Buildings must be comparable and fair. Passages near critical structures must be identical near their mirrored counterpart.
The AI can build the full tech tree and send units to the opposition. AI must not cause massive stalls.
The GLA faction must not be able to put terrors in cars. Cars can be used for decoration, however, placement needs careful consideration, because placement of faction structures near cars during a match can force them to move and crush a nearby GLA worker by mistake.
The ambient light has a pleasant hue, saturation and look. The shadows have a pleasant contrast with the light.
The map must not be void of ambient sounds. Sounds must not be overwhelming in quantity and volume. Sounds must not cause obvious crackling when scrolling over the map.
Tall trees need to be crushable. Not all original trees are.
The map must not contain unusual scripted sounds, voices, cinematic scenes and compaign events.
The map must not contain characters or legal entities that can claim rights over their mention. The map must make no attempts to advertise services, products or legal entities.
The map can optionally contain a short mission briefing for author credits after match start. Two styles are accepted: "Map created by MAPCREATOR" and "MAPNAME, by MAPCREATOR". Map name must not have ZH and vX tag. The text must not show longer than 8 seconds and must not start later than 0 seconds after map entry.
The map must not modify the global game state that carries over to maps loaded afterwards. In the worst case that can lead to mismatches with other multiplayer game clients.
The map name can contain multiple words, separated by spaces. Words typically begin with capital letters. The name must not contain any tags or keywords other than those required for Ranked Maps. The name ends with vX tag where v stands for version and X is a number. The Zero Hour map name contains ZH tag before vX tag.
Good name: Wasted Pastures ZH v1
Bad name: l0rd's_map_GG V5b
The map must use a default generated preview image with a size of 65536 bytes, unless it requires a custom image to explain the slot usage or similar.
The money value of a Supply Pile must not be greater than 3750 $.
The money value of a Supply Dock should not be greater than 30000 $, but if it is, then it needs to be highlighted for being high value. This can be done by creating a terrain imprint of the money value nearby.
All houses must function well. Unfortunately the base game does provide just a few houses with perfect fire port setups. Bugged house setups can vary depending on damages state, daylight and weather. If a grarrisonable house with missing fire ports is used, then the terrain around this house must be flat and/or the house must be elevated to reduce chances of its occupants damaging themselves when their missiles spawn at position 0,0,0 of the bugged house.
The rotations of Tech Buildings must be optimized to properly show their flag to the default camera. Tech Buildings include: Oil Derrick, Oil Refinery, Artillery Platform, Hospital, Repair Bay. The Oil Derrick has its optimal rotation at -45 degrees. The location of the sun also affects the visibility of flags. Foliage and other objects must not unnecessarily obstruct the view on Tech Buildings and their flags.
USA and China must not be able to drop Dozers or other vehicles on terrain that cannot be reached by regular ground forces.
Loading the custom map as a replay must show the mini map correctly.
Please create GitHub Account with identifiable community nickname and download maps you want to test from this website and repository. When problem with map is found, you can post it in the Issues ( section. Please tag map class, type and name in at begin of any issue report:
[Candidate 1v1 The Map Name] Water is red and not blue
[Candidate 2v2 Hotel Prince Kassad] Oil Derrick cannot be destroyed
Folder/subfolder/file | Description |
backlog | Contains all maps that do not qualify for ranked maps. Maps can be edited. |
candidate | Contains all maps that are being evaluated to qualify for ranked maps. Maps can be edited. |
release | Contains all maps that are ranked and final. Maps cannot be edited. New map versions will qualify for GenTool Auto Download. |
maps_1v1_zh | Contains all 1v1 (2 player) maps |
maps_2v2_zh | Contains all 2v2 (4 player) maps |
maps_3v3_zh | Contains all 3v3 (6 player) maps |
maps_4v4_zh | Contains all 4v4 (8 player) maps |
maps_fun_zh | Contains all fun maps |
release/MAKE_Maps_1v1_ZH.bat | Creates ZIP file with all 1v1 maps downloaded and installed by GenTool |
release/MAKE_Maps_2v2_ZH.bat | Creates ZIP file with all 2v2 maps downloaded and installed by GenTool |
release/MAKE_Maps_3v3_ZH.bat | Creates ZIP file with all 3v3 and fun maps downloaded and installed by GenTool |
release/MAKE_Maps_All_Ranked_ZH.bat | Creates ZIP file with all maps that are ranked with GenTool & Shatabrick |