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docker compose.yaml for Windows

Ultimate edited this page May 12, 2021 · 7 revisions

Save this file as docker-compose.yaml

version: '3'
        image: theultimatecoder/deemixrr:nightly
            - Kestrel__EndPoints__Http__Url=
            # Hangfire dashboard
            - Hangfire__DashboardPath=/autoloaderjobs
            - Hangfire__Password=THIS-IS-A-NOT-SECURE-PASSWORD-HANGFIRE
            - Hangfire__Username=Deemixrr
            - Hangfire__Workers=2
            # Configure the cron expression for your job
            - JobConfiguration__GetUpdatesRecurringJob=0 2 * * *
            - JobConfiguration__SizeCalculatorRecurringJob=0 12 * * *
            # Configure the wait time between API requests value is in ms
            - DelayConfiguration__ImportArtistsBackgroundJob_ExecuteDelay=1000
            - DelayConfiguration__CheckArtistForUpdatesBackgroundJob_GetTrackCountDelay=1000
            - DelayConfiguration__CheckArtistForUpdatesBackgroundJob_ExecuteDelay=1000
            - DelayConfiguration__CheckPlaylistForUpdatesBackgroundJob_ExecuteDelay=1000
            - DelayConfiguration__CreateArtistBackgroundJob_FromPlaylistDelay=1000
            - DelayConfiguration__CreateArtistBackgroundJob_FromUserDelay=1000
            - DelayConfiguration__CreateArtistBackgroundJob_FromCsvDelay=1000
            - DelayConfiguration__CreatePlaylistBackgroundJob_FromCsvDelay=1000
            # Use the id command in your shell to determine the ids
            - PGID=1234
            - PUID=1234
            #remove this if you use something like nginx reverse-proxy
            - 5555:5555
            # Mount the deemix config files
            - C:\Software\deemixrr\deemix-config:/config/.config/deemix
            # Mount your media folder
            - C:\Music:/mnt/unionfs

Host your own

  1. Cloudbox
  2. Custom


  1. Linux
  2. Windows

Config files

  1. .arl
  2. config.json
  3. authCredentials.json

Further reading

  1. Hangfire dashboard
  2. Troubleshooting
  3. Folders
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