Given a contribution point limit and price list this program will find the optimum allocation of the points to maximize a Worker Node Empire's value.
- generates a json file to import into Workerman
- uses workers of level 40.
- uses workers with optimum skills learned.
- assumes all drops are sent to storage with zero cp cost (Calpheon).
It does not
- account for cp spent outside of the Node Empire.
- account for grind nodes or 'fixed' nodes. (TODO)
This program uses the HiGHS High Performance Optimization Software to solve the MIP using branch and cut. The parameters chosen guarantee the result is within 0.01% of the optimum value but in practice it is optimum for all test cases used during the development and testing of the model.
Using pipx: pipx install bdo-empire
Using pip: pip install bdo-empire
- python
- an exported price list* from Workerman settings page.
- optionally; an exported modifiers list from Workerman modifiers page
* Use the 'reload' button on workerman's setting page prior to exporting.
Start the program
Installed using pipx: empire-optimizer.exe
Installed using pip: python -m bdo_empire.main
Fill in the required fields, click Optimize and then wait.
All test instances using a variety of input parameters solved in under an hour but each combination of CP, pricing, purchased lodging and region modifiers will alter solution time.