Algorithms associated with the submission of the paper titled "Spatiotemporal mapping of human microglia during brain development with advanced spatial statistics assisted by deep-learning" to Nature Methods.
This directory contains all the source code needed to reproduce the results of the paper using different notebooks (doc/src/notebooks). Some intermediate results have been provided (doc/data) to speed up the calculation of spatiotemporal statistics on several pre-defined regions of interest.
- Data
- Code
- Notebooks description
- DeepCellMap_Pipeline_1 - Image preprocessing and cells segmentation & classification
- DeepCellMap_Pipeline_2 - Selection different ROIs and computation statistics
- DeepCellMap_Pipeline_3 - Spatiotemporal analysis
- DeepCellMap_x_Cellpose_region_segmentation
- DeepCellMap_x_Manual_region_segmentation
- MAYBE - DeepCellMap_Training_set_construction
- Python files description
- Notebooks description
- 3 IHC images of human fetal brain at 17,19 and 20 pcw.
- Model classification microglial cells
- Segmented & classified cells for the three IHC images.
Resultat de l'application du model de segmentation et de classification des cellules microgliales à l'ensemble des images. Cet output peut être généré dans DeepCellMap_notebook_1
.d mais prend du temps (entre 7h/image et 30h/image selon la machine et la taille de l'image).
- Masks of the 4 anatomical regions (striatum, neocortex, cordical boundary, ganglionic eminence) for the three times.
- Mask of a manually segmented region. Ce Resultat peut être reproduis avec le notebook
Notes sur les notebooks : Les DeepCellMap notebooks 1/2/3 servent à guider pas à pas dans l'application du pipeline à toutes les images.
Performs the different steps
- a.Image downscaling
- b.Mask extraction
- c.Tiling
- d.Cells classification on the entire images
Performs the different steps - a.Selection ROIs in tissue - b.Visualisation ROI and cells - c.Cell-cell colocalisation - d.Cell-Border colocalisation - e.DBSCAN-based clusters analysis - f.Neighbors analysis
Performs the different steps : - a.Selection of regions to compare over time - b.Generation of statistical figures
Performs the different steps : - a.Cellpose best model selection - b.Cellpose application on the entire images - c.Anatomical region segmentation using image processing
Performs the different steps : - a.Manual selection of a ROI
Performs the different steps : - a.Random selection of microglial cells in an image - b.Annotation of the different cells - c.Visualisation and correction
Python files used in the notebooks | Contains all project constants and parameters |
---|---| | ROI definition | | Displaying functions, paths/image manipulation, measurement calculation time | | Central - Contains the RegionOfInterest class for reconstructing an ROI and performing calculations on it |
---| | Used in image pre-processing - IHC image manipulation, downscaling |
---|---| | Used in image pre-processing - Tissue extraction, filtering functions | | Used in image pre-processing - Images tiling, generation of summary html | | Microglial cell segmentation functions | | Used to create the training database | | and train the Unet Deep-Learning classification model | | Use to classify microglial cells on an entire image | | | Algorithms for Cell-cell colocalisation and Cell-region's border colocalisation analysis |
---|---| | Algorithms for cluster analysis based on DBSCAN | | Algorithms for analysing neighbour-neighbour relationships | | Algorithms for region segmentation based on nuclei density obtained by cellpose |
---| | Defines ROIs and applies the pipeline on them, gathers the results in dataframes for spatiotemporal analysis |
---|---| | Generates statistical figures |