Auth and get followers on instagram with nodejs
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let Instagram = require('instagram-nodejs-without-api');
Instagram = new Instagram()
Instagram.getCsrfToken().then((csrf) =>
Instagram.csrfToken = csrf;
}).then(() =>
return Instagram.auth('inst-your-username', 'inst-your-password').then(sessionId =>
Instagram.sessionId = sessionId
return Instagram.getUserDataByUsername('username-for-get').then((t) =>
return Instagram.getUserFollowers( =>
console.log(t); // - instagram followers for user "username-for-get"
Inst = new Instagram()
Inst.csrfToken = 'your-csrf'
Inst.sessionId = 'your-session-id'
Inst.follow(3,0) //follow "kevin"
Inst.follow(3, 1) //unfollow "kevin"
//get media id by url and like
Insta.getMediaIdByUrl('').then(r => => console.log(d)))
//get media id by url and unlike
Insta.getMediaIdByUrl('').then(r => Insta.unlike(r).then(d => console.log(d)))
let pageFirst = Insta.getFeed(10).then(function(t)
let PageSecond = Insta.getFeed(10, Insta.getFeedNextPage(t)).then(function(t)
//two page
//... auth (look up)
//for example: get 12 first media entries for "kevin"
// 0 - if you need to get first page
// next cursor : r.page_info.end_cursor
Insta.getUserMedia(3, '0', 12).then(f => console.log(f))
Insta.commonSearch('Kyiv').then(r =>
//get location id for Kyiv
let locationId = r.places[0].place.location['pk']
//search posts from Kyiv
Insta.searchBy('location', locationId, '0', 12).then(r => console.log(r))
//search posts by hashtag "Eurovision"
Insta.searchBy('hashtag', 'Eurovision').then(r => console.log(r))
When you pass items counter param instagram create pagination tokens on all iterations and gives on every response end_cursor, which the need to pass on next feed request
You can get user id with Inst.getUserDataByUsername() method
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