This is a data dump of the top products (ordered by number of mentions) from every subreddit that has posted an amazon product. The data was extracted from Google Bigquery's Reddit Comment database. It only extracts Amazon links, so it is certainly a subset of all products posted to Reddit.
The data is organized in a file structure that follows:
reddits/<first lowercase letter of subreddit>/<subreddit>.csv
An example of where to find the top products for /r/Watches would be:
Below are the column definitions found in each <subreddit>.csv
The name of the product as found on Amazon.
The category of the product as found on Amazon.
The link to the product on Amazon.
The total number of times that product was found on Reddit.
The total number of times that product was found on that subreddit.
You can search and discover products more easily on ThingsOnReddit
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