Unofficial plugin for integrating the Ogury SDK. Currently only supports interstitial ads! Please be aware that major changes could be coming.
Make sure to set the deployment target to iOS 10.0 inside you Podfile!
platform :ios, '10.0'
Go to your Ogury Dashboard and register your application. Note down asset key.
Create an Interstitial ad unit and note down the ad unit id.
Add the plugin to your pubspec.yaml
flutter_ogury: ^0.1.1
Initialise the Ogury SDK preferably inside main.dart.
/// Initialises the Ogury SDK
assetKeyAndroid: "OGY-XXXXXXXXXXXX",
Load the sdk as soon as possible
adUnitIdAndroid: "123456_default",
adUnitIdIOS: "123456_default",
enableTestAd: true,
Check if the interstitial ad has been loaded
bool interstitialIsLoaded = await FlutterOgury.interstitialIsLoaded();
Show the interstitial ad
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.