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feat(stock): implement getAMC() SP
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Implements the getAMC() stored procedure.  It has a different API from
the getCMM() stored procedure that should provide more information and
with better names.
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jniles committed Feb 20, 2021
1 parent 4682fc7 commit 9782d2b
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Showing 5 changed files with 228 additions and 23 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion client/src/i18n/en/stock.json
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Expand Up @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
"AVERAGE_MONTHLY_CONSUMPTION" : "Average Monthly Consumption",
"ALGO_1" : "Algorithm 1",
"ALGO_1_COMMENT" : "The average monthly consumption is obtained by dividing the quantity consumed during the period by the number of days with stock for the period, and by multiplying the result by 30.5.",
"ALGO_1_COMMENT" : "The average monthly consumption is obtained by dividing the quantity consumed during the period by the number of days with stock during the period, and by multiplying the result by 30.5.",
"ALGO_2" : "Algorithm 2",
"ALGO_2_COMMENT" : "The average consumption is obtained by dividing the quantity consumed during the period by the number of days of consumption for the period, and by multiplying the result by 30.5.",
"ALGO_3" : "Algorithm 3",
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions server/controllers/stock/reports/stock/monthly_consumption.js
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Expand Up @@ -34,8 +34,6 @@ async function report(req, res, next) {
try {
reporting = new ReportManager(TEMPLATE, req.session, params);

console.log('parameters:', params);

const sql = `
SELECT BUID(sc.inventory_uuid) AS inventory_uuid, iv.text, p.translate_key, MONTH(p.start_date) AS month_key,
f.label AS fiscal_year, sm.out_quantity, d.text AS depot
Expand Down
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions server/models/migrations/next/migrate.sql
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Expand Up @@ -139,18 +139,20 @@ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `stock_movement_status`;
CREATE TABLE `stock_movement_status` (
`depot_uuid` BINARY(16) NOT NULL,
`inventory_uuid` BINARY(16) NOT NULL,
`date` DATE,
`quantity_delta` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- the difference between inflows and outflows for the day
`in_quantity` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- current in flows of day
`out_quantity_exit` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- current out flows of day to exits
`out_quantity_consumption` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- current out flows of day to consumptions
`sum_quantity` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- cumulative quantity to date (running balance)
`sum_in_quantity` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- cumulative in flows to date
`sum_out_quantity_exit` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- cumulative outflows to date as exits
`sum_out_quantity_consumption` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- cumulative out flows to date as consumption
`sum_out_quantity_consumption` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- cumulative outflows to date as consumption
`duration` INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0, -- duration for which this row is valid
KEY `depot_uuid` (`depot_uuid`),
KEY `inventory_uuid` (`inventory_uuid`),
KEY `date` (`date`), -- add index on date
INDEX `depot_inventory` (`depot_uuid`, `inventory_uuid`),
INDEX `date` (`date`), -- add index on date
CONSTRAINT `stock_movement_status__depot` FOREIGN KEY (`depot_uuid`) REFERENCES `depot` (`uuid`),
CONSTRAINT `stock_movment_status__inventory` FOREIGN KEY (`inventory_uuid`) REFERENCES `inventory` (`uuid`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 DEFAULT COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
233 changes: 218 additions & 15 deletions server/models/procedures/stock.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -328,10 +328,16 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE ComputeStockStatusForStagedInventory(

Creates a temporary table of stock movements classified by is_consumption or not for the staged inventory uuids.
NOTE: this embeds the system logic that a "consumption" event is different if the depot is a warehouse or not
If it is a warehouse, transfers to other depots are considered consumption. Otherwise, only transfers to patients
or services are considered consumption events.
Creates a temporary table of stock movements for the depot, inventory items, and time frame under consideration.
The purpose of this table is to classify movements by "is_consumption", using the following logic:
- if the movement is an exit from a warehouse, it is a consumption if and only if it is to a depot, patient, or serivce
- else if the movement is an exit from a depot, it is a consumption if and only if it is to a patient or service
- else it is not a consumption
This allows us to easily SUM/GROUP on this logic in future tables. This is essentially a raw copy of the stock_movement table
TODO(@jniles): I think we can actually completely do away with tis table by combining it into the following query. But it would
be rather hard to read. This is a TODO for a future optimisation.
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE stock_movement_grp AS
SELECT DATE( as date, l.inventory_uuid, sm.depot_uuid, sm.quantity, is_exit, flux_id,
Expand All @@ -346,7 +352,17 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE ComputeStockStatusForStagedInventory(
JOIN depot d ON sm.depot_uuid = d.uuid
WHERE sm.depot_uuid = _depot_uuid AND DATE( >= DATE(_start_date);

-- create a temporary table similar to stock_movement_status
Creates a temporary table of the stock_movements grouped by day. This allows us to get daily
SUMs for movements. Using the previous table (stock_movement_grp), we are able to aggregate:
- quantity - the daily increase/decrease of stock for that inventory/depot combo.
- in_quantity - the daily amount of stock entering the depot
- out_quantity_consumption - the daily amount of stock exiting the depot as consumptions
- out_quantity_exit - the daily amount of stock exiting by all other non-consumption means
At this point, we should have unique dates. At this point, we have everything for the stock_movement_status
table except the running balances. Everything beyond this point is to set up the running balances.
SELECT date, depot_uuid, inventory_uuid,
SUM(IF(is_exit, -1 * quantity, quantity)) as quantity,
Expand All @@ -357,11 +373,17 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE ComputeStockStatusForStagedInventory(
GROUP BY date, depot_uuid, inventory_uuid
ORDER BY date;

-- we no longer need this table
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE stock_movement_grp;

-- clone the temporary table to prevent self-referencing issues in temporary tables

-- create a table of grouped running totals for each category (date, depot_uuid, inventory_uuid)
Creates a temporary table of running totals for the date range in question. We still
don't have opening balances though, so this is only half way there.
SELECT date, depot_uuid, inventory_uuid,
quantity AS quantity,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -394,31 +416,33 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE ComputeStockStatusForStagedInventory(
-- clean up temporary tables
DROP TEMPORARY TABLE stock_movement_grp;

-- remove all rows from stock_movement_status that are invalidated by this date.
-- remove all rows from stock_movement_status that will need to be recomputed.
DELETE sms FROM stock_movement_status AS sms
JOIN stage_inventory_for_amc AS staged ON sms.inventory_uuid = staged.inventory_uuid
WHERE >= DATE(_start_date) AND sms.depot_uuid = _depot_uuid;

-- get the max date for each inventory_uuid so we can look up the totals in a second
-- get the max date from the stock_movement_status table (remember, we deleted the invalidated rows above)
-- to look up the opening balances with.
SELECT sms.inventory_uuid, MAX(date) AS max_date FROM stage_inventory_for_amc AS staged LEFT JOIN stock_movement_status AS sms
ON staged.inventory_uuid = sms.inventory_uuid
WHERE sms.depot_uuid = _depot_uuid
GROUP BY staged.inventory_uuid;

-- now get the "beginning balances" based on the date. I think this needs to be two queries because one cannot
-- now get the "opening balances" based on the date. I think this needs to be two queries because one cannot
-- reuse an SQL query with a temporary tabel. But we may be able to optimize it down the road.
SELECT sms.inventory_uuid, tmd.max_date, sms.sum_quantity, sms.sum_in_quantity, sms.sum_out_quantity_exit, sum_out_quantity_consumption
FROM stock_movement_status AS sms JOIN tmp_max_dates AS tmd ON
sms.inventory_uuid = tmd.inventory_uuid AND tmd.max_date =
GROUP BY sms.inventory_uuid,;

-- we don't need to know those max dates anymore

-- copy into stock_movement_status, including the opening balances
-- copy all staged records into stock_movement_status, including the opening balances!
-- NOTE(@jniles) - we are going to need a second pass to caluclate the duration. Maybe there is a better way?
INSERT INTO stock_movement_status
SELECT tg.depot_uuid, tg.inventory_uuid,,
tg.quantity AS quantity_delta,
Expand All @@ -430,18 +454,198 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE ComputeStockStatusForStagedInventory(
tg.sum_quantity + IFNULL(tmv.sum_quantity, 0),
tg.sum_in_quantity + IFNULL(tmv.sum_in_quantity, 0),
tg.sum_out_quantity_exit + IFNULL(tmv.sum_out_quantity_exit, 0),
tg.sum_out_quantity_consumption + IFNULL(tmv.sum_out_quantity_consumption, 0)
tg.sum_out_quantity_consumption + IFNULL(tmv.sum_out_quantity_consumption, 0),
0 AS duration
FROM tmp_grouped AS tg LEFT JOIN tmp_max_values AS tmv
ON tg.inventory_uuid = tmv.inventory_uuid;

DROP TEMPORARY TABLE tmp_max_values;

-- clean up final temporary tables

-- finally, update the durations for this inventory_uuid/depot_uuid combo
-- TODO(@jniles): can we do this at the same time as another query above?
-- TODO(@jniles): investigate the performance of this query
-- NOTE(@jniles): the final record will always have a duration of "0". It should be the only record with a duration of "0".
UPDATE stock_movement_status AS sms
INNER JOIN stage_inventory_for_amc AS staged
ON sms.inventory_uuid = staged.inventory_uuid
SET sms.duration = (
SELECT IFNULL(duration, 0) FROM (
FROM stock_movement_status AS `next`
WHERE next.depot_uuid = _depot_uuid AND next.inventory_uuid = sms.inventory_uuid
) AS x
WHERE sms.depot_uuid = _depot_uuid;

DROP TEMPORARY TABLE stage_inventory_for_amc;

We are done. We've removed, then recreated, all data in the stock_movement_status table
corresponding to the depot_uuid and inventory_uuids from the start date on (including the
start date). We've also computed the duration between each row and the subsequent row.
END $$

IN _date DATE, /* what date the user wants to know the AMC for */
IN _depot_uuid BINARY(16), /* the depot for the AMC */
IN _inventory_uuid BINARY(16) /* the inventory for the AMC */

DECLARE _start_date,
_max_date DATE;

DECLARE _sum_consumed_quantity,
_initial_quantity DECIMAL(19,4);

DECLARE _sum_stock_day,
_tail_days INTEGER;

DECLARE _algo_1,
_algo_msh DECIMAL(19,4);

-- NOTE(@jniles): I am ignoring the enterprise_id for ease of use. For full correctness,
-- we will need to pass in the enteprise_id. However, we always only have a single enterprise
-- in production, so this works for now.
DATE_SUB(_date, INTERVAL ss.month_average_consumption MONTH)
FROM stock_setting AS ss LIMIT 1;

SUM(IF(sms.sum_quantity <= 0, sms.duration, 0)),
SUM(IF(sms.sum_quantity > 0, sms.duration, 0)),
SUM(IF(sms.out_quantity_consumption != 0, sms.duration, 0)),

-- NOTE(@jniles): sum_* fields are monotonically increasing, so the MAX is the last,
-- MIN is the first
MAX(sms.sum_out_quantity_consumption) - MIN(sms.sum_out_quantity_consumption),
MAX(sms.sum_out_quantity_exit) - MIN(sms.sum_out_quantity_exit)

FROM stock_movement_status AS sms WHERE >=_start_date AND <= _date AND
sms.depot_uuid = _depot_uuid AND
sms.inventory_uuid = _inventory_uuid;

-- account for the "tail"
-- the "tail" (number of days since final record until today) will not be included in either
-- _sum_stock_out_day or _sum_stock_day, since duration is always 0 for the last record. Here
-- we check what condition we are in to figure out if the tail
SELECT sms.sum_quantity INTO _last_quantity FROM stock_movement_status AS sms WHERE = _max_date AND
sms.inventory_uuid = _inventory_uuid AND
sms.depot_uuid = _depot_uuid;

SELECT DATEDIFF(_date, _max_date) INTO _tail_days;

IF (_last_quantity = 0) THEN
-- ended in a stock out. Add the "tail" to the days of stock outs
SELECT _sum_stock_out_day + _tail_days INTO _sum_stock_out_day;
-- ended with stock. Add the "tail" to the days of stock
SELECT _sum_stock_day + _tail_days INTO _sum_stock_day;

-- account for the "head"
-- the "head" (number of days before the first record captured in this range) needs to be considered
-- separately, since it won't be picked up by the above query. We just need to know if we were in stock
-- out or had stock at the beginning of our window of time.
-- NOTE: we only need to be concerned about days here, not quantities. If there were a change of quantities, it would
-- have corresponded to a record.
sms.sum_quantity INTO _initial_quantity
FROM stock_movement_status AS sms WHERE
-- get the record right before the start = (SELECT MAX(date) FROM stock_movement_status ss WHERE <= _start_date AND ss.depot_uuid = _depot_uuid AND ss.inventory_uuid = _inventory_uuid) AND
sms.depot_uuid = _depot_uuid AND
sms.inventory_uuid = _inventory_uuid;

SELECT DATEDIFF(_min_date, _start_date) INTO _head_days;

IF (_initial_quantity = 0) THEN
-- started without stock. Add the "head" to days to stock out days.
SELECT _sum_stock_out_day + _head_days INTO _sum_stock_out_day;
-- started with stock. Add the "head" to the days of stock.
SELECT _sum_stock_day + _head_days INTO _sum_stock_day;

-- the number of days in the period
SELECT DATEDIFF(_date, _start_date) INTO _sum_day;

-- Algo 1
-- The average monthly consumption is obtained by dividing the quantity consumed during the period by
-- the number of days with stock during the period, and by multiplying the result by 30.5.
SET _algo_1 = (_sum_consumed_quantity / IF(_sum_stock_day IS NULL OR _sum_stock_day = 0, 1, _sum_stock_day)) * 30.5;

-- Algo 2
-- The average consumption is obtained by dividing the quantity consumed during the period by the number
-- of days of consumption for the period, and by multiplying the result by 30.5.
SET _algo_2 = (_sum_consumed_quantity / IF( _sum_consumption_day IS NULL OR _sum_consumption_day = 0, 1, _sum_consumption_day)) * 30.5;

-- Algo 3
-- The average consumption is obtained by dividing the quantity consumed during the period by the number of
-- days in the period, and by multiplying the result obtained by 30.5.
SET _algo_3 = (_sum_consumed_quantity / IF( _sum_day IS NULL OR _sum_day = 0, 1, _sum_day)) * 30.5;

-- Algo 4 (MSH)
-- The average consumption is obtained by dividing the quantity consumed during the period by the difference of the
-- number of months in the period minus the total number of days of stock out in the period. The MSH algorithm
-- is recommended by the Management Sciences for Health organization (
SET _algo_msh = (_sum_consumed_quantity / (_number_of_month - (_sum_stock_out_day / 30.5)));

BUID(_depot_uuid) AS depot_uuid,
BUID(_inventory_uuid) AS inventory_uuid,
_start_date AS start_date,
_date AS end_date,
ROUND(IFNULL(_algo_1, 0), 2) AS algo1,
ROUND(IFNULL(_algo_2, 0), 2) AS algo2,
ROUND(IFNULL(_algo_3, 0),2) AS algo3,
ROUND(IFNULL(_algo_msh, 0), 2) AS algo_msh,
_last_quantity AS quantity_in_stock,
_sum_day AS sum_days,
_sum_stock_day AS sum_stock_day,
_sum_stock_out_day AS sum_stock_out_days,
_sum_consumption_day AS sum_consumption_day,
_sum_consumed_quantity AS sum_consumed_quantity,
_max_date AS max_date,
_min_date AS min_date,
_number_of_month AS number_of_month,
_head_days AS head_days,
_tail_days AS tail_days,
_initial_quantity AS quantity_at_beginning;
END $$

This procedure is designed for calculating the CMM for an inventory in a depot during a period
It actually retrieve the CMM value for each aglorithm we have so we get just choose which one to use
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -523,7 +727,6 @@ CREATE PROCEDURE `getCMM` (
) AS `x` HAVING frequency > -1
) AS `cmm_data`;

-- get the current amount in stock
SET @quantityInStock = (
SELECT quantity FROM stock_movement_status AS sms
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions server/models/schema.sql
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2015,7 +2015,7 @@ DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `stock_movement_status`;
CREATE TABLE `stock_movement_status` (
`depot_uuid` BINARY(16) NOT NULL,
`inventory_uuid` BINARY(16) NOT NULL,
`date` DATE,
`quantity_delta` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- the difference between inflows and outflows for the day
`in_quantity` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- current in flows of day
`out_quantity_exit` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- current out flows of day to exits
Expand All @@ -2024,9 +2024,11 @@ CREATE TABLE `stock_movement_status` (
`sum_in_quantity` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- cumulative in flows to date
`sum_out_quantity_exit` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- cumulative outflows to date as exits
`sum_out_quantity_consumption` DECIMAL(19,4) NOT NULL, -- cumulative outflows to date as consumption
`duration` INTEGER UNSIGNED NULL DEFAULT 0, -- duration for which this row is valid
KEY `depot_uuid` (`depot_uuid`),
KEY `inventory_uuid` (`inventory_uuid`),
KEY `date` (`date`), -- add index on date
INDEX `depot_inventory` (`depot_uuid`, `inventory_uuid`),
INDEX `date` (`date`), -- add index on date
CONSTRAINT `stock_movement_status__depot` FOREIGN KEY (`depot_uuid`) REFERENCES `depot` (`uuid`),
CONSTRAINT `stock_movment_status__inventory` FOREIGN KEY (`inventory_uuid`) REFERENCES `inventory` (`uuid`)
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET = utf8mb4 DEFAULT COLLATE = utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
Expand Down

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