1 For the construction of "Complete Group Ring"
1.1 Definition
For a Profinite group
In which inverse limit is realized as the subtype of the product space satisfying the transition map between coordinates.
The transition map
1.2 Properties
1.2.0 Other basic constructions (copy MonoidAlgebra)
1.2.1 Verify the above construction satisfies the universal property of limit
1.2.2 For
2 For the isomorphism
In this section
2.1 The small isomorphisms
2.1.1 if write
generated by$[1,mod,p^i] \mapsto 1 + T.$
2.1.2 Take inverse limit on the two sides of the isomorphism above
2.3 other trivial transition maps
3 For the UFD
3.1 Finish "Weierstrass Preparation" for DVR (gnl's job)
3.2 PowerSeries on a DVR is UFD