user btw
- Student (Information Technology specializing in Machine Learning Engineering and Artificial Intelligence)
- From Norway
- Passionate about Pure Mathematics, Theoretical Computer Science, and their ever-growing intersection.
- Pure Mathematics
- Theoretical Computer Science
- Machine Learning
- Algorithmic Complexity
- Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science
- Low-Level Programming
"If I, at the moment of my death, do not find that I have achieved all that I should have, I shall die in despair."
"I have no time. I have no time."
(Written the night before his fatal duel while rushing to complete his mathematical work.)
Niels Henrik Abel, known for his work in algebra and the unsolvability of the general quintic equation
"It appears to me that if one wants to make progress in mathematics, one should study the masters, not the pupils."
"The meaning of a statement is its proof."
"Jesus said 'I will rebuild this temple in 3 days.' I could make a compiler in 3 days."