This is a set of simple scripts that I wrote for the purpose of parsing/aggregating, filtering, and visualizing open-access RNA-Seq gene expression data obtained from the National Cancer Institute Genomic Data Commons NCI-GDC. I have specifically used it for the TCGA project datasets. Parsed datasets can be loaded into TCGA-Tools-GUI for easy analysis and visualization.
Python 2.7 (haven't tested with 3). The following packages are required: Pandas, Tqdm, numpy, scipy.stats, seaborn, matplotlib.
Coming soon
FPKM or FPKM-UQ data should be downloaded from NCI-GDC using their data transfer client, make sure to also download the metadata JSON file. The downloaded data should have the following file structure:
└── TestData
├── BRCA_metadata.json
└── data_dir
└── data
├── 0a0ba3c5-0443-4c81-83cb-7fb1ddcfd054
│ ├── 44ebe859-bc4f-40c1-bdb9-1fa970b680da.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz
│ └── logs
│ └── 44ebe859-bc4f-40c1-bdb9-1fa970b680da.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz.parcel
├── 0a19beeb-7d12-4ecb-882b-3a9d311bd1b2
│ ├── fa9d8ef2-0fd0-4fd8-8266-e4760b77d103.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz
│ └── logs
│ └── fa9d8ef2-0fd0-4fd8-8266-e4760b77d103.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz.parcel
├── 0a40e0e1-a97d-4643-a8b2-2907ea13812e
│ ├── bdd8c340-250b-474a-8802-7653b7884ced.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz
│ └── logs
│ └── bdd8c340-250b-474a-8802-7653b7884ced.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz.parcel
├── 0aa46e8a-0219-4996-86db-cf021b9c3882
│ ├── 4cb8bb61-b1d0-44d3-beb2-c6989b60aa50.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz
│ └── logs
│ └── 4cb8bb61-b1d0-44d3-beb2-c6989b60aa50.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz.parcel
└── 0b5c15df-e0d6-473b-93c9-c2458193647e
├── 2d21d348-762a-424f-8965-e5132ff2359c.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz
└── logs
└── 2d21d348-762a-424f-8965-e5132ff2359c.FPKM-UQ.txt.gz.parcel
13 directories, 14 files
Each sub-directory of the 'data' directory represents one case (5 cases are shown in the above example, but some TCGA projects contain several hundred or over a thousand). Within each case, there is a .FPKM-UQ.txt.gz file, which is the only one of interest to us. These .txt files contain a list of FPKM-UQ values paired with Ensembl gene IDs, for example:
ENSG00000134108.11 454530.58045
ENSG00000263089.1 3083.42506523
ENSG00000172137.17 32261.3825595
ENSG00000167700.7 420363.026919 will search through a specified top-level directory ('TestData' in the example above), identify and unzip all FPKM-UQ.txt.gz files, extract relevent data, and aggregate into a Pandas DataFrame. requires the following command-line arguments:
-d <path to top level data directory>
-m <path to metadata JSON file>
-o <path to output directory>
-p <project name (ie BRCA)>
Thus, to parse the data in the above example:
$ python -d /TestData -m TestData/BRCA_metadata.json -o TestData/Output -p BRCA
The output will be a pickle containing the Pandas DataFrame with the aggregated counts data. This file size can be several hundred MBs, depending on the number of cases parsed. Each row of the DataFrame represents an individual case (e.g. patient sample), and columns contain FPKM-UQ values associated with each Ensembl gene ID.
Three additional columns will also be populated from the JSON metadata file: 'PtID', 'TumorStage', and 'SampleType'. SampleType will be a two-digit code corresponding to the type of tissue from which the sample was acquired. A list of SampleType codes is available at Some of the more common codes I've encountered are listed below.
01 Primary Solid Tumor
02 Recurrent Solid Tumor
06 Metastatic
11 Solid Tissue Normal
The .pickle file that outputs contains FPKM-UQ values for all 60,486 Ensembl gene IDs from each sample. will create and output a new DataFrame containing aggregated data for only a specified subset of Ensembl gene IDs. requires the following command-line arguments:
-i <ValuesDataFrame.pickle>
-t <TargetsList.txt>
-o <Output directory>
-p <Project name>
Thus, to parse the data in the above example:
$ python -i /TestData/Output/BRCA_aggregated_FPKM-UQ.pickle -t /TestData/targets.txt -o /TestData/Output -p BRCA
Where targets.txt is a list containing the Ensembl IDs and associated gene names, for example:
F2RL3 ENSG00000127533
GAPDH ENSG00000111640
WWTR1 (TAZ) ENSG00000018408 will generate DataFrames containing raw count values for selected targets and a separate one containing log2(x+1) transformed values. Both DataFrames will be saved as .pickle and as Excel spreadsheets (.xlsx) for use in subsequent analysis/visualization.
Calculate Pearson's and Spearman correlation coefficients between a target gene of interest and all other genes in the input DataFrame. only strictly requires an input dataframe .pickle:
usage: [-h] -i INPUT_DF [-t TARGET_GENE]
[--no_heat] [--no_corr] [--invert]
[-f FILE_FORMAT] [--corr_include_ctrl]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT_DF, --input_df INPUT_DF
Path to df_log2.pickle file that was generated from Ex: '-i BRCA_hippo_df_log2.pickle'
-t TARGET_GENE, --target_gene TARGET_GENE
Target gene of interest! Must match name from the
targets file. Default will choose firstgene in list
Ex: '-t F2RL3'
-o OUTPUT_DIR, --output_dir OUTPUT_DIR
Folder to save output files to? Ex: '-o ./output'
Default is current directory
-p PROJECT_NAME, --project_name PROJECT_NAME
Short name to add on to the output files Ex: '-p
BRCA_F2RL3_20160606' Default is target/date_time
-z Z_CUTOFF, --z_cutoff Z_CUTOFF
Exclude samples with z-scores above andbelow a certain
threshold. Default is 5. Set to 0 for no cutoff. Set
to -1 to disable z-score conversion
--no_heat Option to disable generation of heatmap
--no_corr Option to disable generation of correlation data
--invert Option to invert sorting of target gene on heatmap ie
lowest expressers will be on top
-f FILE_FORMAT, --file_format FILE_FORMAT
Option to save heatmap as different format (eps, ps,
or pdf) default is pdf
--corr_include_ctrl Option to include control samples in
correlationcalculations. They are discluded by default
--no_sorting Option to disable arranging heatmap with highest
correlated genes from left to right. Sorting is on by
default outputs the Pearson's and Spearman correlation coefficients in a tab-delimited text document. A heatmap is also generated (from z-scores of the input df, typically log2(FPKM-UQ) values) for a visual representation of trends in expression between your target gene and each of the individual genes in your set. Future version will allow for more control over how the input data is processed, such as:
- Thomas Smith - ThomasHSmith