Using this repository you can will find:
- Example of how to programmaticaly access Cisco Modeling Labs using virl2_client SDK
- Example of basic Ansible playbook for network configuration deployment
- Example of pyATS script and datafile to assure deployed configuration
- Example of CI/CD pipeline using GitHub Actions
./deployment/ Contains Ansible playbook and inventories
./testing/ Contains pyATS testing scripts
./.github/workflows/ Contains GitHub Actions workflows for CI/CD pipelines
./cml_dev_topology.yaml CML2 topology instance for DEV cycle or PROD emulation, accessed via external bridge and NAT on ISP
./cml_ci_topology.yaml CML2 topology instance for CI process, has different NAT statements to allow concurent run with DEV/PROD instance
./ Script to kickstart CML topology during CI workflow and shutdown it after using CML2 SDK