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Create a Left Slideout Menu with Swift

Update: Check out this updated blog post which uses a better approach to creating slideout menus.

This is a sample project with a left slideout menu, and a two-tabbed application for the main body. The majority of the setup is done in the Storyboard.

This repo is tied to this blog post.

animated gif demo

Use Case

  • You lean heavily on Storyboard use, and value separation of UI code over portability.
  • You're using Swift, and want to avoid bridging Objective-C modules when possible


Apps tend to have a top level container like a Tab Bar Controller that cannot be embedded inside a View. The approach here is to wrap the main body and the left menu each inside a Container View. Now both of these elements can be arranged inside a wrapper View Controller.

storyboard image

A ScrollView is used to simulate opening and closing the menu by shifting the left menu on/off-screen.

Since Storyboard changes aren't really portable across projects, here is a recipe on how to recreate this.


Create project

Start with a Tabbed Application. This is just to demonstrate that even a Tab Bar Controller can be used with slideout menus.

Uncheck the box Use Size Classes for now, simply for the sake of screen real estate.

tabbed application

Containing View Controller

Drop a View Controller onto the Storyboard. This is your entry point into the app, and acts as a big wrapper. Think of a Laundry Sorting Cart that can hold baskets for lights and darks. Or in this case, a Menu and Tab Bar Controller.

Check the box for Is Initial View Controller.

Change the Simulated Size from Fixed to Freeform. Set the Width to 568 so we can fit the menu and Tab Bar side-by-side.

use freeform size

Create a new Swift file and set this View Controller's class to ContainerVC.

import UIKit
class ContainerVC : UIViewController {


Inside Container View Controller, drop in a ScrollView and add constraints in all directions.

Check the box for Scrolling Enabled. This allows you to pan the screen to slide the menu. You might need to disable this if your app uses horizontally scrolling elements.

Check the box for Paging Enabled. This snaps the menu to either the open or closed state.

Uncheck the box for Bounces. You don't really want to scroll past the right edge of the Tab Bar Controller.

scrollview properties

Wire the IBOutlet to ContainerVC:

@IBOutlet weak var scrollView: UIScrollView!

Left Container

The left container holds the menu, and is not quite the full width of the screen.

Drag a Container View into the left side of the ScrollView.

Add constraints for top, left, and right to the containing ScrollView.

Hard-code the width to 260.

Add a constraint for Equal height with the ContainerVC's embedded View. Note: don't constrain the height to the ScrollView.

left container constraints

Delete the embedded View Controller that came with the Container View.

Drop a new Table View Controller onto the Storyboard, and connect using an embed segue.

Right Container

The right container holds the main body of your app, namely the Tab Bar Controller.

Drag a second Container View into the right side of the ScrollView.

Add constraints to the containing ScrollView for top, right, and bottom. Connect horizontally to the left Container View you created earlier.

Constraint both Equal height and Equal width to the ContainerVC's embedded View. Note: do not constrain these to the ScrollView.

right container constraints

Here's a short demo of setting the Equal height and width constraints to the View:

animated gif of setting constraints

Again, delete the embedded View Controller that came free with the Container View. Instead, create an embed segue to the Tab Bar Controller.

To create a little visual separation between the two containers, add a Runtime Attribute to the Right Container. Add layer.shadowOpacity with a number of 0.8.

set runtime attributes

First and Second Tabs

Embed each tab inside a Navigation Controller. Doing so gives you a free Navigation Bar.

Drag a Bar Button Item into the top left corner of each Navigation Bar.

Wire an IBAction to each controller. These will fire off a NSNotification to the great-grandfather ContainerVC to toggle the menu.

@IBAction func toggleMenu(sender: AnyObject) {
  NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("toggleMenu", object: nil)


Most of the Storyboard configuration is done. All that's left is to copy the code from ContainerVC.swift.

The code accomplishes the following:

  • Listen for the "toggleMenu" notification
  • Implement the toggleMenu method by opening or closing based on the current contentOffset.x
  • Open and close the menu by changing the contentOffset-x

That's it

Build and run, and hopefully you have a simple slideout left menu on which to build the rest of your app.

Still confused?

The ScrollView is pretty confusing to begin with. One common trick is to have a rigidly defined view on the inside. In this case, the left and right container views are constrained to the device (View Controller's embedded View) width and height. The ScrollView acts like a flexible wrapper.

Here's an excellent video tutorial on Ray Wenderlich that covers the ScrollView. Note parts 13 and 14 cover the Slide-out-sidebar upon which the idea of using the ScrollView for a slideout menu is based upon.


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