If you use my prefabs in your vrchat world i would really appricate a small crediting. I have spent a lot of time on them and am providing them for free.
She has done a lot of the artwork and 3d modeling for my prefabs.
- Discord: https://discord.gg/bDWEYUw
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/tsuna_cow
- https://tsuna.dev/
Advanced Beer Pong with tons of features. Different gamemodes, advanced syncing, cup reracking, more than 2 players etc.
Bottle Spin that spins smoothly on local and remote clients. Has the ability of having random players selected as targets instead of just a random angle.
Private rooms that can be locked and unlock then no player is in the room anymore. Has a list with players in room and a doorbell to request unlocking.
Leave a message for your friends that are afking in a room sleeping etc. A text field that lets players input a message that shows for the room master in a scrolllist.
Clapper Reacts to claps. Makes sound + clap emoji when players clap.
This is an old prefabs. I got a more up to date version locally, but i would like to rework a lot for an update when i get time.