This API is used in combination with the live friend locations plugin in runelite:
- Deploy somewhere
- After build returns shared key and creates .env file
Example of setup using Heroku
Fork this repository to your own GitHub account
Create a new heroku app
Under "deploy" connect with your GitHub account
Search of the forked repository under App connected to GitHub
When the application is deployed go to "View Logs" under "More" and copy the Shared Key
Go to settings and add a config var named "SHARED_KEY" with the copied shared key as value
note: under settings you will also find your url
- Enter your base url and the shared key into the runelite plugin
! Only share this link and Url and Key with people you trust, it's not my fault if your api gets leaked and PK'ers know your every move in the wilderness
If Heroku is setup correctly, the updated repository should automatically deploy on Heroku
!If this doesn't work, manually deploy the "master" branch