A CloudMusicPlayer code in C#
It support two search function:WangYi & BaiDu (For the first button and the second button on the right).
You can click the button on the right to use different function to search.
The BaiDu function is fine, you can use this function in two way: Fuzzy search or Precise search.
For Fuzzy search:Just input name of the song in textbox which on the top.
Then point the search button(next to the textbox), the result will list in the listbox, click for play.
For Precise search:Input name of the song and the singer, with a space ditance.
If it find the song, it will play it. Or it will report an error.
Cause of API problems, the WangYi button, can only search by Songs ID.
It also contain a music station, but can't automatic to play next song. :(
模糊搜索:输入 “歌名”
精确搜索:输入 “歌名 歌手”(中间需留一个空格)
搜索到就立即播放, 如未搜索到将报错
同样添加了音乐电台, 但是无法自动播放下一首。。