The Asset Master package provides an optimization option for bundling assets within Concrete5.
The way that the current caching is set up, is that all assets which can be combined are combined on a page by page basis. Take a look at the following table. With the current implementation, since each of these pages have a unique combination of scripts, each would be compiled into a unique bundle and downloaded.
Page One | Page Two | Page Three | Page Four | Total Pages |
jquery.js | jquery.js | jquery.js | jquery.js | 100% |
main.js | main.js | main.js | main.js | 100% |
autonav.js | autonav.js | autonav.js | autonav.js | 100% |
imageslider.js | imageslider.js | 50% | ||
googlemap.js | googlemap.js | 50% | ||
content.js | 25% | |||
pagelist.js | 25% | |||
form.js | 25% | |||
lightbox.js | 25% | |||
bundle1.js | bundle2.js | bundle3.js | bundle4.js | 25% |
Asset Master caching allows you as a developer to make smart decisions about which assets you want to bundle together. Using the above example, you could select to bundle these assets:
- jquery.js
- main.js
- autonav.js
- imageslider.js
- googlemap.js
They would be included as a single download, which can be cached in your users browser, and then allow C5 to handle page specific javascript like normal:
Page One | Page Two | Page Three | Page Four | Total Pages |
content.js | 25% | |||
pagelist.js | 25% | |||
form.js | 25% | |||
lightbox.js | 25% | |||
bundle1.js | bundle2.js | bundle3.js | bundle4.js | 25% |
public function registerAssets() {
$this->assetBundler = AssetBundler::getInstance();
$assetTypes = array(
'css' => array(
'styles.css' => array('themes/your_theme/css/styles.css', array(), 'your_package'),
'bootstrap-modified.css' => array('themes/your_theme/css/bootstrap-modified.css', array(), 'your_package'),
'font-awesome' => null
'javascript' => array(
'jquery' => null,
'global/settings.js' => array('themes/your_theme/js/global/settings.js', array(), 'your_package'),
'global/utilities.js' => array('themes/your_theme/js/global/utilities.js', array(), 'your_package'),
'page/home.js' => array('themes/your_theme/js/page/home.js', array(), 'your_package'),
'main.js' => array('themes/your_theme/js/main.js', array(), 'your_package')
foreach($assetTypes as $assetType => $assets) {
foreach($assets as $assetHandle => $asset) {
//Register the asset if needed
if($asset !== null) {
$asset = $this->al->register($assetType, $assetHandle, $asset[0],$asset[1],$asset[2]);
//Flag asset to be bundled
$this->assetBundler->add($assetType, $assetHandle);
There's currently no effective hooks in C5 after rendering, and before post processing, so you'll need to add the following to your theme's footer_bottom (right near footer_required is appropiate)
<?php $theme->assetBundler->bundle(); ?>
<!-- Asset Master Bundle -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/application/files/cache/js/67e0367588a828476980f2af413124fb4c9a85dd.js" data-source="/concrete/js/jquery.js /packages/your_package/themes/your_theme/js/global/settings.js /packages/your_package/themes/your_theme/js/global/utilities.js /packages/your_package/themes/your_theme/js/libraries/collapse.js /packages/your_package/themes/your_theme/js/page/home.js /packages/your_package/themes/your_theme/js/main.js"></script>
<!-- Concrete5 controlled bundle -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="/application/files/cache/js/f670ea5e09ee15eee8e58b769dbb4cbeb8fb621f.js" data-source="/concrete/blocks/autonav/templates/responsive_header_navigation/view.js /concrete/js/responsive-slides.js"></script>