This are control classes to send all the necessary commands to the farm bot hardware. It it developed to use the Raspberry Pi as platform, connect to an arduino mega using the firmata protocol to drive the RAMPS 1.4 board.
Update the RPi, install ruby, firmate and the arduino IDE
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ruby
gem install firmata
sudo apt-get install arduino
Start the arduino IDE in the graphic environment under the start menu / programming / Arduino IDE Open File / Examples / Firmata / StandardFirmata Upload to the arduino
use "git clone" to copy the code to the RPi
Use "ruby menu.rb" to start the software. A menu will appear. Type the command needed and press enter. It is also possible to add a list of commands to the file 'testcommands.csv' and use the menu to execute the file.
- A lot of the settings for pins, sleep times, timeouts and motor inversions have to be moved to configuration.
- Check if it works with the nema 17 motor from OpenBuilds