The Tasks and Contexts extension for Visual Studio Code implements a task-focused interface.
It is similar to the Eclipse Mylyn plugin.
You can create as many tasks as you want. Anytime you activate a task, the documents you open are attached to that task.
Switching from one task to another closes the current documents and opens the ones you linked to the new task.
Tasks can also be imported from your issue tracker. Currently, an integratio with Trello is provided.
Create new tasks by clicking on the 'Add' button in the Tasks view.
Simply click on a task to activate it. This will close all editors associated with the previous task and open the ones associated with the newly selected one.
Click on the delete icon when selecting or hovering over a task.
Click on the edit icon when selecting or hovering over a task.
when a task has been activated, any document opened gets added to the task context.
To remove a document from a task, simply close the document.
Select the board and list you want to import and the extension auto creates tasks for you.
To connect to Trello, you need to install a variant of Ho Wan's Trello Viewer extension. Our variant includes a change to expose the extension's Trello API.
Please following these steps:
- Download the vsix file here
- In VS Code, cmd+shift+p
- Search for "Extensions: Install from VSIX
Connect to Trello as per the instructions included in the Trello Viewer extension.
Whenever you switch tasks, the extension writes the task name into the file .vscode/tasks-and-contexts-commit-msg.txt
To have your git commit messages pre-filled with the task name, following these instructions.
Create a file .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg with the following contents:
if [[ -f .vscode/tasks-and-contexts-commit-msg.txt ]]; then
cat .vscode/tasks-and-contexts-commit-msg.txt > $1
Run the following command:
chmod +x .git/hooks/prepare-commit-msg
Unfortunately, VS Code doesn't run the prepare-commit-msg hook so you need to run git commit
via the terminal.
Once you've activated a task and you run git commit
it should pre-fill with the task name.
There are currently no settings defined.