This configuration shows a simple (low power) "wake on shake" implementation using a Teensy (LC) and ADXL345 accelerometer.
- Teensy LC
- GY-291 ADXL345 3-axis accelerometer
- 2x 4K7 Ohm resistors
- Hookup wires
The ADXL345 is configured to communicate with the Teensy over I2C.
In this repository you will find a sketch which will configure the ADXL345 to trigger an interrupt on activity. The ADXL is set in low power mode. The Teensy is put in Hibernate mode. When an interrupt is triggered upon activity the builtin LED on the Teensy will blink. After that the Teensy is put in Hibernate mode and the cycle repeats.
The sketch includes the following libraries:
- Snooze - Teensy low power library
- Sparkfun ADXL345 library