People keep asking me how to get started and I always tell them to go through these resources.
Just take this free online course from Harvard. Seriously, don't bother with a bootcamp if you're just looking for the basics this will do it.
A great book for getting familiar with git and version control is Pro Git by Scott Chacon and Ben Straub. The book is freely available through a creative commons license and it comes in almost every format needed (pdf, mobi, epub, web, etc). It's a little lengthy but to get started one only really has to read the first three or four chapters.
Another great free book on linux command line BASH by William E. Shotts, Jr. I always recommend going through the first and second section. It's been a while since I last read through it but I remember some parts of third section being pretty hardware/os specific so it was hard to do all the examples.
College Level Mathematics: A series of college level math textbooks that are freely licensed and good for referencing. Collected and supported by the American Institute of Mathematics and the National Science Foundation.