I felt that the support for multiple servers defies the role of this small widge. If you need to, you can set up two instances by duplicating the ServerStatus folder with a different name.
Supported states are Locked, Unstable, Stable, Alert and Unstable Alert. You can easily customize the icons for each state. Current icons were extracted from the game files.
The alert countdown updates in real time. Every update cycle, the counter syncs with the remaining time from the API.
Pop distibution is requested from Fisu.pw API. Last value is total players online.
Default refresh rate is 60 seconds. Please, keep in mind that there are 2 requests to the APIs on every update cycle. Setting a higher refresh rate DOES NOT help with the performance of the widget. My advice is to keep it between 1 and 5 minutes. You can see the last refresh time at the bottom.