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How to install React and Maintain it.


# This Icon means that you need to run a command to accomplish the described task!

Every step is described, but you have to use the Cheat sheet to find the command that best suits for the task you want to accomplish.

Feel free to ask your mentor anything.

This is a thinking exercise. Think, then act.

Read carefully this manual, think and then apply with commands.

Make sure you understand the task. That will make everything easier!

Good luck.

Start using your Command line terminal from here.


Go to the folder deploy-exercise/summerschool-infrastructure and edit the file Vagrantfile. Find the line that contains private_network and change it for public_network. Delete the rest of the line (The ,ip: ip stuff) Replace the current Hostname of each machine to match the provided HOSTNAMES.

My role: HOSTNAME in Vagrantifle
If you're in charge of the react page(frontend) summerschool.react
If you're in charge of the users microservice summerschool.users
If you're in charge of the items microservice summerschool.items
If you're in charge of the cart microservice summerschool.cart
standard_machine config, summerschool.react', '' # Replace the HOSTNAME. :public_network ## CHANGE "private" for "public"

Go to the folder deploy-exercise/summerschool-infrastructure and run vagrant up to start your machine.

Once it's done, run:


From the terminal run:

vagrant ssh



  • Hostname:
  • Login user: vagrant
  • login pass: vagrant

Welcome to your new fresh server.

If your want to know more details about Vagrant, you can visit the get started page


You should see something like this: (After vagrant ssh)


Now you're ready to start making some noise there.

The first thing a server needs is a group of users. You don't want everyone going all over your servers, accessing everything, wrecking stuff and leaving your servers vulnerable!

Run sudo -i

So first thing: Create a new user. Of course a user must belong to a group. Go ahead and create a user called intern1 that belongs to the group sysadmin

Now it is time to improve the security of the people accesing our servers. For this, we need to update the ssh deamon to be more secure.


Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config You can use any editor you want. If you don't know which one to use, just run: sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Add/edit the following lines:

PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication yes
Protocol 2

Now that everything is set, we're ready to restart the ssh deamon. sudo service ssh restart

As a good practice, one should normally set up the firewall as well, and some other tasks in order to have a healthy and secure server, but we'll leave that for another ocasion. Let's move to a deploy.

Great. now create a secure password for new user and login to the new user account.

run su - intern1

Now we need to install dependencies that our project needs, and some others to download and manage files that are online. curl is a great tool to download online resources.

React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces and it's an npm package. npm is the package manager for JavaScript. Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.

In the npm documentation we can find te requirements to its installation. In order for some npm packages to work (such as those that require building from source), you will need to install the build-essential package

Add repository and install its signing key curl -sL | bash -

Now we have the key to install nodejs. Install the package nodejs.

Now, we have a server ready to host a React project. Let's get that project to run.

Now that it's there, we need to run the service to listen to requests and show our project to the world.

(NO SUDO) Clone the repo you're supposed to run inside /opt/summerschool/

Probably you wont have permissions in that folder. fix it with sudo chown -R intern1:intern1 /opt/summerschool

Now that we have all those files, in the README file are the steps necessary to run the service. You can run it with npm, since we prepared the server for that.


You should see now a message telling you that everything is running fine!

And you should have a running instance of node!

Isn't it great to be a sysadmin? ... Now we need to fight with the developers to run the code. haha....


  1. Create vagrant
  2. Login into vagrant machine
  3. Update packages
  4. Create users and groups.
  5. Improve ssh security.
  6. Install packages required to install node.
  7. Install node dependencies
  8. Install node.
  9. Install react. -- Start react server
  10. Clone react server scripts
  11. Run react server.
  12. Visit http://localhost:3000
  13. Be happy --. Deploy our react code:
  14. Create folder to contain code.
  15. Clone page code in the folder.

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