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Jovan Gerodetti edited this page Aug 10, 2014 · 9 revisions

###Basic How To To get started, you have to fork this repo at first. After that create a new branch and make your changes. At the end you can create a pull request to merge your changes.

###Important If you want to contribute to Application Frame there are some points you have to notice:

  • all AF scripts uses only three globals:
    1. $$ - the global object, in a web like environment this is the same as window
    2. $ - the selector function to select a API of a module or the core AF
    3. $ - the scope selector function to select a created scope
  • if you create a new module, always wrap the code in a closure scope or if possible use the AF wrapper
  • every file starts with a header comment line

###Additional Infos All functions of AF that aren't really related to AF are placed in extra script files / modules, which are contained in the modules folder. Files in the libs folder are JS objects which does not need to run initial code and only provide useful functions.

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