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Module: rendering::index

Jovan Gerodetti edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 4 revisions


exported: RenderEngine
kind: object
declaration: const

RenderEngine Singleton


🚫 _currentFrame

Type: number
kind: value


Type: boolean
kind: value


kind: setter


kind: object



Type: number
kind: value


Type: number
kind: value


Type: number
kind: value



addPreRenderHook(f) => {Function}

kind: function

Name Type Description
f Function a hook function to execute before each render cycle

addPostRenderHook(f) => {Function}

kind: function

Name Type Description
f Function a hook function to execute after each render cycle

removePreRenderHook(f) => {*}

kind: function

Removes a previously added pre render hook

Name Type Description
f Function the function which was previously added

removePostRenderHook(f) => {*}

kind: function

Removes a previously added post render hook

Name Type Description
f Function the function which was previously added

schedulePreRenderTask(f, [id]) => {Function}

kind: function

Name Type Description
f Function the task to preform in the next render cycle.
[id] * optional task id

scheduleRenderTask(f, [id]) => {Function}

kind: function

Name Type Description
f Function the task to preform in the next render cycle.
[id] * optional task id

schedulePostRenderTask(f) => {Function}

kind: function

Name Type Description
f Function the task to preform after the next render cycle.

renderFrame() => {undefined}

kind: function

Forces the engine to render a new frame even if there are no tasks

skipFrame() => {RenderEngine}

kind: function

skips the current frame and provices scheduling methods for the next frame.

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