A lightweight video editor without UI. See VideoEditorKit for the version with UI
- iOS 13
- Combine
- Adjust speed rate
- Crop using presets
- Trim begining and end
Create and configure a video edit object.
var edit = VideoEdit()
edit.isMuted = true
edit.speedRate = 0.5
edit.croppingPreset = .landscape
edit.trimPositions = (
CMTime(value: 2, timescale: 1),
CMTime(value: 6, timescale: 1)
Ask the video editor to apply these videos edits to a specific asset and
editor.apply(edit: videoEdit, to: asset)
.map { result -> AVPlayerItem? in
let item = AVPlayerItem(asset: result.asset)
item.videoComposition = result.videoComposition
return item
.replaceError(with: nil)
.sink { [weak self] item in
self?.player.replaceCurrentItem(with: item)
editor.apply(edit: videoEdit, to: asset)
.flatMap { result in
result.export(to: outputUrl)
}.sink { result in
print("Failed to save edited video at \(outputUrl.path). Error: \(result)")
} receiveValue: { _ in
print("Successfully saved edited video at \(outputUrl.path)")
Property | Type | Default | Description |
isMuted | Bool | false | Mutes the edited video if set to true |
speedRate | Double | 1.0 | Defines the speed ratio of the edited video. (e.g. 2.0 will result in an edited video played twice as fast) |
trimPositions | (CMTime, CMTime)? | nil | Defines the times where the video should start and end |
croppingPreset | CroppingPreset? | nil | Defines the cropping preset to apply to the edit video. See CroppingPreset |
Preset | Width / Height |
vertical | 3/4 |
standard | 4/3 |
portrait | 9/16 |
square | 1/1 |
landscape | 16/9 |
4/5 |
- Tests
- Cropping (custom width/height ratio)