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grunt-ensure v0.0.1

Ensures that production files have associated best practice files which typically would be Unit Tests, Documentation etc. An Alpha feature includes the ability to process templates that can update and create test runners, and create tests skeletons for QUnit, JUnit, and Jasmine.


This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.0

If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:

npm install grunt-ensure --save-dev

Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:


Ensure task

  • Matches production files to best practice files (QUnit, Doc's etc)
  • If templating information is present best practice files stubs can be created or updated
  • If a production file cannot be matched to best practice files grunt will abort

How ensure works

From the command line

grunt ensure

Ensure is a multi-task plugin that allows you to match production files to best practice files. The Ensure task uses targets allowing you to search for and template different types of practice files, for instance

  • QUnit javascript files
  • JUnit javascript files
  • JSDoc files
  • Etc.
ensure : {

    JUnit : {  // Target

    JSDoc : {  // Target

Target's are named objects that you provide to carry out a specific ensure sub-task for instance

The following command runs ensure against all targets (JUnit and JSDoc) in placement order

grunt ensure

The following command runs ensure only against the JUnit target

grunt ensure:JUnit

Telling Ensure what to do using the gruntfile.js


In grunt the options object is declared at the task scope and or the target scope. If an options object is present at both the task and target scope they are merged, with the target scoped object overwriting and or adding properties to items already in the task scope object

ensure : {
    options  : { // Task scope
         ignoreCase          : true,
         allowWeakReferences : false,
         production          : { ...

    myTarget : { // Target Scope
        options : {...


Type Required default
Boolean NO true

By default ensure treats case mis-matches as a warning when production and practice files are compared. Setting this option to false tells ensure to treat case differences as non-matches.


Type Required default
Boolean NO false

By default ensure requires that any production and practice files that match also have duplicate directory structures after being normalized.

Normalization is simple, the paths have a root prefix removed before the comparison takes place, for instance the 1st and 2nd files match, while the 1st and 3rd would not using the default behavior and the root prefix specified below.

Type File Root Resolves To
Production \site\js\lib\myFile.js root=\site\js \lib\myFile.js
Practice \test\lib\myFile.js root=\test\ \lib\myFile.js
Practice \test\myFile.js ... myFile.js

Setting this option to true removes this requirement and only the name is matched, in the above example that means that both of the practice entries would match resulting in an orphan practice file and no ability to match the correct production and practice file


Type Required
Object YES
production : {

    pattern   : ["tmp/website/**/*.js", "!tmp/website/*.js", "!tmp/website/vendor/**"],

    normalize : {
        root    : "tmp/website/",
        suffix  : "js",
        prefix  : null

The production object tells ensure how to find production files and how to normalize the directory and file names so that they can be matched against best practice file names. The ensure options.production object is shared among all targets unless it is overridden in a options.production object at the target scope.

options.production.pattern : string | Array of string used to search for production files

Pattern Action
"tmp/website/**/*.js" recursively searches starting at the website dir for js files
!tmp/website/*.js excludes any files found in the root of the website dir
!tmp/website/vendor/** excludes the entire vendor directory

All of the file specifications are used together to determine which files are considered production files. You can read more about file globbing at Configuring Grunt Tasks - Globbing Patterns

options.production.normalize : object | Array of string used to search for production files options.production.normalize root : string A path prefix to be stripped from a practice file before comparing


Makes sure things exist, like unit tests, documentation etc.







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