Combines svg files into an icon set ( single file containing all svg's ) compatible with the Angular Material frameworks $mdIconProvider service. Derived from gulp-svgstore and modified for use with Angular Material
This allows you to create custom sets of the icons you into a single file for performance and ease of use.
SOURCES FOR Material Design Icons in SVG format can be found at ...
3rd Party - System+Xtra Material Design Icons
Google - System Only Material Design Icons - website
Google - System Only Material Design Icons - github
This module takes each individual svg file that it processes and ...
- Strips all extraneous container information so that only viewBox, width and height attributes remain
- Moves
elements or converts<svg>
elements to<g>
elements - Place all converted elements into a
container wrapped within a<svg>
e.g if two files are fed into the module
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
<path ...>
<svg xmlns="" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
The resulting file icons.svg would look something like this ( if not compressed ) ...
<svg id="menu" viewBox="0 0 24.00 24.00" width="24" height="24">
<path ..."/>
<svg id="more-vert" viewBox="0 0 24 24" width="24" height="24">
<path ..."/>
Which could then be loaded in an AngularJS modules .config section like this
and used in the hmtl like this
<md-button class="md-icon-button" aria-label="Navigation">
<md-icon md-svg-icon="menu"></md-icon>
Read more about using the $mdIconProvider service with icon sets in the Angular Material Documentaion.
If your are looking for a more generic method of combining svg's you should look at the gulp-svgstore plugin that gulp-svg-ngmaterial
was based on, which at the time I wrote this did not work properly for $mdIconProvider
NOTE: Tests are not functioning yet, I will get around to this shortly ( which may mean a week or a year )
{ filename : 'filename.svg', // ( string ) name of resulting icon set file
contentTransform : '<svg/>' // ( string ) default --- OR use one of the names below
//* `<g/>` retains no attributes, not reccomended
//* `<symbol/>` retains viewBox BUT Angular Material not currently supporting
({ filename : "somefilename.svg", contentTransform : `<svg/>` [default so not actually required]})
- Minimize svg files using gulp-svgmin
- Strip fill= attribute using gulp-cheerio
- Combine all svg's into common file/icon set ( this module )
- Output icon set in raw and zipped format
gulp.task('build-svg-iconset', function () {
return gulp
run: function ($) {
parserOptions: { xmlMode: true }
.pipe(svgIconSet({ filename : "icons.svg"}))
.pipe(gzip({append: true,gzipOptions: { level: 9 }}))
If you need to have nested directories that may have files with the same name
use gulp-rename
. The following example will concatenate relative path with the
name of the file e.g. src/svg/one/two/three/circle.svg
becomes one-two-three-circle
var gulp = require('gulp');
var rename = require('gulp-rename');
var svgng = require('gulp-svg-ngmaterial');
gulp.task('default', function () {
return gulp
.src('src/svg/**/*.svg', { base: 'src/svg' })
.pipe(rename(function (path) {
var name = path.dirname.split(path.sep);
path.basename = name.join('-');
Other patterns used by gulp-svgstore also work
- cleaned up docs
- contentTransform option now supports
output by default to the<def>...</def>
container - removeViewbox option deprecated, attributes are now stripped according to output type
- Added note about viewBox usage