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Backend framework with build-in TypeScript type safety. Intended to be used in full-stack applications where both client and server part written in TypeScript.

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Yamato Daiwa Backend 〔YDB〕

Back-end framework with built-in TypeScript type safety. Clean API, no husk. Intended to be used in full-stack applications where both client and server part written in TypeScript.

Main visual of Yamato Daiwa Backend framework


npm i @yamato-daiwa/backend -E

Quick Examples

⚠️ Warning: Below examples has been developed to demonstrate the API of the framework such as easy to understand. For this, the splitting of the code to files and code itself has been minified, but this approach is unfit for the development of the real applications from the viewpoint of architecture.

"Hello, world!"

import { Server, Request, Response, ProtocolDependentDefaultPorts } from "@yamato-daiwa/backend";
import { HTTP_Methods } from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions";

  IP_Address: "",
  HTTP: { port: ProtocolDependentDefaultPorts.HTTP },
  routing: [
      route: { HTTP_Method: HTTP_Methods.get, pathTemplate: "/" },
      async handler(request: Request, response: Response): Promise<void> {
        return response.submitWithSuccess({
          HTML_Content: "<h1>Hello, world!</h1>"

See the "Hello, world!" tutorial for the details.

HTTPS support

import { Server, Request, Response, ProtocolDependentDefaultPorts } from "@yamato-daiwa/backend";
import { HTTP_Methods } from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions";

  IP_Address: "",
  HTTPS: {
    port: ProtocolDependentDefaultPorts.HTTPS,
    SSL_CertificateFileRelativeOrAbsolutePath: "SSL/cert.pem",
    SSL_KeyFileRelativeOrAbsolutePath: "SSL/key.pem"
  routing: [
      route: { HTTP_Method: HTTP_Methods.get, pathTemplate: "/" },
      async handler(_request: Request, response: Response): Promise<void> {
        return response.submitWithSuccess({
          HTML_Content: "<h1>Hello, world!</h1>"

See the HTTPS support tutorial for the details.

Vs. Express

import type { Express as ExpressApplication } from "express";
import type Express from "express";
import createExpressApplication from "express";
import HTTPS from "https";
import FileSystem from "fs";

const expressApplication: ExpressApplication = createExpressApplication();

  (_request: Express.Request, response: Express.Response): void => {
    response.send("<h1>Hello, world!</h1>");

const HTTPS_Server: HTTPS.Server = HTTPS.createServer(
    key: FileSystem.readFileSync("./SSL/key.pem"),
    cert: FileSystem.readFileSync("./SSL/cert.pem")

HTTPS_Server.listen(443, "");

Vs. Express + routing-controllers

For the Spring of 2024, the HTTPS example was not documented for routing-controllers. Although the HTTPS usage is possible with routing-controllers, the code is pretty verbose:

import Express, { type Express as ExpressApplication } from "express";
import createExpressApplication from "express";
import { useExpressServer as supportClassSyntax } from "routing-controllers";

import HTTPS from "https";
import FileSystem from "fs";

const expressApplication: ExpressApplication = createExpressApplication();

  (_request: Express.Request, response: Express.Response): void => {
    response.send("<h1>Hello, world!</h1>");

const HTTPS_Server: HTTPS.Server = HTTPS.createServer(
    key: FileSystem.readFileSync("./SSL/key.pem"),
    cert: FileSystem.readFileSync("./SSL/cert.pem")


HTTPS_Server.listen(443, "");

Routing and controllers

Entry point

import ProductController from "./ProductController";

import { Server, Request, Response, ProtocolDependentDefaultPorts } from "@yamato-daiwa/backend";
import { HTTP_Methods } from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions";

  IP_Address: "",
  HTTP: { port: ProtocolDependentDefaultPorts.HTTP },
  routing: [
      route: { HTTP_Method: HTTP_Methods.get, pathTemplate: "/" },
      async handler(_request: Request, response: Response): Promise<void> {
        return response.submitWithSuccess({
          HTML_Content: "<h1>Top page</h1>"


import { Request, Response, Controller } from "@yamato-daiwa/backend";
import { HTTP_Methods } from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions";

export default class ProductController extends Controller {

    HTTP_Method: HTTP_Methods.get,
    pathTemplate: "products"
  public async generateProductsPage(_request: Request, response: Response): Promise<void> {
    return response.submitWithSuccess({
      HTML_Content: "<h1>Products list</h1>"

    HTTP_Method: HTTP_Methods.get,
    pathTemplate: "products/:ID"
  public async generateProductProfilePage(request: Request, response: Response): Promise<void> {
    return response.submitWithSuccess({
      HTML_Content: `<h1>Product with ID: ${request.routePathParameters.ID}</h1>`

See the Routing and controllers tutorial for the details.

Strongly typed route path parameters

import { Request, Response, Controller } from "@yamato-daiwa/backend";
import {
} from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions";

export default class ProductController extends Controller {

    HTTP_Method: HTTP_Methods.get,
    pathTemplate: "products/:ID",
    pathParametersProcessing: {
      ID: {
        preValidationModifications: convertPotentialStringToNumberIfPossible,
        type: Number,
        required: true,
        numbersSet: RawObjectDataProcessor.NumbersSets.nonNegativeInteger
  public async generateProductProfilePage(request: Request, response: Response): Promise<void> {

    const targetProductID: number = request.getProcessedRoutePathParameters<{ ID: number; }>().ID;

    return response.submitWithSuccess({
      HTML_Content: `<h1>Product with ID: ${targetProductID}</h1>`

See the Strongly typed route path parameters tutorial for the details.

Strongly type route query parameters

The query parameters default deserializer is qs with default configuration.

import { Request, Response, Controller, BooleanParameterDefaultPreValidationModifier } from "@yamato-daiwa/backend";
import { HTTP_Methods, RawObjectDataProcessor, convertPotentialStringToNumberIfPossible } from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions";

export default class ProductController extends Controller {

    HTTP_Method: HTTP_Methods.get,
    pathTemplate: "api/products",
    queryParametersProcessing: {
      paginationPageNumber: {
        preValidationModifications: convertPotentialStringToNumberIfPossible,
        type: Number,
        required: true,
        numbersSet: RawObjectDataProcessor.NumbersSets.naturalNumber
      itemsCountPerPaginationPage: {
        preValidationModifications: convertPotentialStringToNumberIfPossible,
        type: Number,
        required: true,
        numbersSet: RawObjectDataProcessor.NumbersSets.naturalNumber
      // Valid URL example:
      forcedFiltering: {
        type: Object,
        required: false,
        properties: {
          makerID: {
            preValidationModifications: convertPotentialStringToNumberIfPossible,
            type: Number,
            required: true,
            numbersSet: RawObjectDataProcessor.NumbersSets.naturalNumber
      consciousFiltering: {
        type: Object,
        required: false,
        properties: {
          fullOrPartialProductName: {
            type: String,
            required: false,
            minimalCharactersCount: 2

          // Valid URL example:
          outOfStock: {
            preValidationModifications: BooleanParameterDefaultPreValidationModifier,
            type: Boolean,
            required: false
          // Valid URL example:
          categoriesIDs: {
            type: Array,
            required: false,
            element: {
              preValidationModifications: convertPotentialStringToNumberIfPossible,
              type: Number,
              numbersSet: RawObjectDataProcessor.NumbersSets.naturalNumber
  public async retrieveProductsSelection(request: Request, response: Response): Promise<void> {

    const {
    }: {
      paginationPageNumber: number;
      itemsCountPerPaginationPage: number;
      forcedFiltering?: { makerID: number; };
      consciousFiltering?: { fullOrPartialProductName?: number; };
    } = request.getProcessedQueryParameters();


    // The specific data retrieving is not target of this example
    return response.submitWithSuccess({ JSON_Content: [] });

See the Strongly typed route query parameters tutorial for the details.

Dotenv config

Entry point

import { Server, Request, Response } from "@yamato-daiwa/backend";
import { HTTP_Methods, RawObjectDataProcessor, convertPotentialStringToNumberIfPossible } from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions";
import { ObjectDataFilesProcessor } from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions-nodejs";

const configFromDotEnvFile: Readonly<{
  IP_ADDRESS: string;
  HTTP_PORT: number;
}> = ObjectDataFilesProcessor.processFile({
  filePath: ".env",
  schema: ObjectDataFilesProcessor.SupportedSchemas.DOTENV,
  validDataSpecification: {
    nameForLogging: "ConfigFromDotenvFile",
    subtype: RawObjectDataProcessor.ObjectSubtypes.fixedKeyAndValuePairsObject,
    properties: {
      IP_ADDRESS: {
        type: String,
        required: true
      HTTP_PORT: {
        preValidationModifications: convertPotentialStringToNumberIfPossible,
        type: Number,
        numbersSet: RawObjectDataProcessor.NumbersSets.nonNegativeInteger,
        required: true

  IP_Address: configFromDotEnvFile.IP_ADDRESS,
  HTTP: { port: configFromDotEnvFile.HTTP_PORT },
  routing: [
      route: { HTTP_Method: HTTP_Methods.get, pathTemplate: "/" },
      async handler(_request: Request, response: Response): Promise<void> {
        return response.submitWithSuccess({
          HTML_Content: "<h1>Top page</h1>"

Dotenv file


See the Dotenv configuration tutorial for the details.

Console Line Interface (CLI) configuration

Because the console commands parsing is actual for the console applications, not just for server applications, the ConsoleCommandsParser utility is available in @yamato-daiwa/es-extensions-nodejs package.

import { Server, Request, Response, ProtocolDependentDefaultPorts } from "@yamato-daiwa/backend";
import { HTTP_Methods } from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions";
import { ConsoleCommandsParser, ObjectDataFilesProcessor } from "@yamato-daiwa/es-extensions-nodejs";

const configFromConsoleCommand: ConsoleCommandsParser.ParsedCommand<
    IP_Address?: string;
    HTTP_Port?: number;
> = ConsoleCommandsParser.parse(
    applicationName: "Server",
    defaultCommand: {
      IP_Address: {
        type: ConsoleCommandsParser.ParametersTypes.string,
        required: false
      HTTP_Port: {
        type: ConsoleCommandsParser.ParametersTypes.number,
        numbersSet: RawObjectDataProcessor.NumbersSets.nonNegativeInteger,
        required: false

  IP_Address: configFromConsoleCommand.IP_Address ?? "",
  HTTP: { port: configFromConsoleCommand.HTTP_Port ?? ProtocolDependentDefaultPorts.HTTP },
  routing: [
      route: { HTTP_Method: HTTP_Methods.get, pathTemplate: "/" },
      async handler(_request: Request, response: Response): Promise<void> {
        return response.submitWithSuccess({
          HTML_Content: "<h1>Top page</h1>"

See the Console Line Interface configuration for the details.

Functionality tutorials

Please take the tutorials in following order.

Hello, world!
Retrieving on HTML code by HTTP
HTTPS support
Serving of both HTTP and HTTPS
Routing and controllers
Defining the routing without and with controllers
Strongly typed route path parameters
Processing and type-safe accessing to route path parameters
Strongly typed route query parameters
Processing and type-safe accessing to route query parameters
Dotenv configuration
The retrieving of the configuration from the Dotenv files
Console Line Interface configuration
The retrieving of the configuration from the Console Line Interface


Backend framework with build-in TypeScript type safety. Intended to be used in full-stack applications where both client and server part written in TypeScript.






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