Note: These instructions are for UNIX and MacOS development. If you are on windows, please run a linux virtual machine.
If you don't already have docker installed locally the please follow the instructions on docker's website. Please make sure you are using docker community edition greater than 18.03.1-ce.
Important Note: If you are running another webserver on port 80 and/or 443 please take the time to shut them down as they will conflict with the docker containers.
Clone this repository locally.
git clone
Once cloned you need to set $THS_GIT_BASE to point the parent directory of where you cloned "ths-website-base". For example is you have your git repository here /home/username/tokyohackerspace/ths-website-base
should point to /home/username/tokyohackerspace
The example I am going to provide is for the bash shell. If you are using a shell other than bash you should set the environment variable the way your shell requires. Since bash is the most commonly used I will provide it here.
In your user directory you should have one of these 3 files. .profile
, .bash_profile
, .bashrc
. Edit the file you have and then add the following line to it.
export $THS_GIT_BASE="/home/username/tokyohackerspace"
Once this is set you need to re-source the file so that it exists in memory, you can either close your terminal window and re-open it or you can execute the command source <filename>
where <filename>
the file you added the line to.
Now that the base environment is set you can use the make file to finish the build process. Enter into the ths-website-base repository directory in the terminal window and type make build
. The system will now clone the rest of the repositories needed to run the development environment.
contains the nginx reverse proxy configurationths-website-apache-php
contains the apache server used to host the main site and akihabara tour subsite.
and partkeepr
have their docker container images which are built during the build process.
There are shortcuts to the commands used built in the Makefile. Make sure to run these from inside the ths-website-base repository directory.
make debug
will starts the development version of the website.make production
will start the production version of the website in detached mode.make stop
will stop all docker containers that are in detached mode.make clean
currently will removed thevol/www/main
directories. The goal is eventually it'll clean the system.