Twig integration for tolkam/routing.
The code is rather self-explanatory and API is intended to be as simple as possible. Please, read the sources/Docblock if you have any questions. See Usage for quick start.
use Aura\Router\RouterContainer;
use Tolkam\Routing\Adapter\Aura\Adapter\Aura\AuraRouterAdapter;
use Tolkam\Routing\Twig\RoutingExtension;
use Twig\Environment;
use Twig\Loader\ArrayLoader;
$routerContainer = new RouterContainer();
->route('my.route', '/my-route-url{/param}');
$twig = new Environment(new ArrayLoader([
'myTemplate.twig' => 'Route "my.route" URL is "{{ route("my.route", {"param": "value"}) }}"',
$twig->addExtension(new RoutingExtension(new AuraRouterAdapter($routerContainer)));
echo $twig->render('myTemplate.twig');
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