var arrayOfItems = ['a','b','c','d','e','f'];
var sequence = new Sequin( arrayOfItems );
console.log( sequence.currentItem() ); // Prints "a"
console.log( sequence.currentItem() ); // Prints "b"
console.log( sequence.currentItem() ); // Prints "c"
sequence.changeItemByIndex( 4 )
console.log( sequence.currentItem() ); // Prints "e"
console.log( sequence.currentItem() ); // Prints "d"
bower install --save sequin
The number of items in the sequence.
Constructor, accepts an array of items.
Make the next item in the sequence active. If at the end of the list and loopOnOverShoot=true, active item will be the first one in the list
Make the prev item in the sequence active. If at the start of the list and loopOnOverShoot=true, active item will be the last one in the list
Returns true if active item is last in list
Returns the active item
returns the active item
Increment the index by a certain number
Change to the item found at a certain index
If the items in the sequence are objects, searches through the objects, and make the first one that has the specified value active
If the items in the sequence are objects, searches through the objects, and return the index of the first one that has the specified value
If the items in the sequence are objects, searches through the objects, and return the first one that has the specified value
Resets to 0 index