Below are the instructions to run download this application onto the MACs used in the Fermilab and Brookhaven Summer School.
First you will need to download the installation python script:
Login as admin onto the computer Open a terminal
Install brew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Add brew to the path
(echo; echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"') >> /Users/admin/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
Obtain the installation script
Navigate to here and downlaod the file. It will probably ask you if you want to download it, just click download anyway
Move the script to the right place
mv ~/Downloads/ .
Execute it
This step takes a while so plug in the computer and find something better to do There is no need to do a git clone on this repo, all that is handeled in the script
Below are the instructions for instillation of a mac
This may or may not work
Obtain the installation script
Navigate to here and downlaod the file. It will probably ask you if you want to download it, just click download anyway
Move the script to the right place
mv ~/Downloads/ .
Execute it
You can execute it without any arguments but if you wish to install it in a certain place you can run it with arguments
python3 --home PATH_TO_DIRECTORY --install PATH_TO_DIRECTORY
This step takes a while so plug in the computer and find something better to do There is no need to do a git clone on this repo, all that is handeled in the script
open a termnal, navigate to the install directory and execute