This userscript is deprecated. Please install Seriesfeed Transporter instead.
Import your favourites from other sites like to
Version 2.4.0
With this userscript, you can import your favourites from to
Your username will be filled in automatically if you are logged onto You can use any username you like, however. After clicking the Import button, your favourites are being imported into Seriesfeed. In the Details table, rows are being given a colour if there is something about that series. Blue rows will indicate you most likely already have that series as a favourite on Seriesfeed. Yellow ones indicate the series does not exist on Seriesfeed yet and red ones indicate that an error has happened while connecting Bierdopje or Seriesfeed. You can always try again to see if it works the second time.
Check out other userscripts for Seriesfeed by me:
- Seriesfeed Transporter: Import and export your favourites and time wasted.
- Seriesfeed Move: drag and drop frontpage items to your liking.
- Seriesfeed Episode Inverter: Choose whether episodes are sorted ascending or descending.
- Seriesfeed Season Separator: Draws a thick line between seasons.
If you want to help with the development, you can. From now on I'll be working in the src/Seriesfeed-Importer-TS
directory, in which a TypeScript project is located. You can use this for development. To setup the dev in combination with Tampermonkey/other, do the following:
- Open the
folder in your favourite IDE. - Open CMD, PowerShell or the terminal (VS Code tip: use CTRL + `).
2.5: If not already,cd
to this repository. - Type:
tsc --watch
to run the TypeScript compiler. Thetsconfig.json
file will determine the location of the output. - Add a userscript with the following:
// ==UserScript==
// @name Seriesfeed Importer
// @namespace
// @version 3.0-dev
// @description Import your favourites and Time Wasted from
// @match https://**
// @grant unsafeWindow
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// @connect
// @connect
// @domain
// @domain
// @require
// @require file://{YOUR_CLONE}\Seriesfeed-Importer\src\Seriesfeed-Importer-TS\SeriesfeedImport.user.js
// @author Tom
// @copyright 2016 - 2017, Tom
// ==/UserScript==
/* jshint -W097 */
/* global $, GM_xmlhttpRequest, Promise, console */
'use strict';
- Make sure you have ticked the box
Allow access to file URLs
for the Tampermonkey extension.
Any change will compile (some would say transpile) and a browser refresh will do the rest.
If you like my work so much you feel like doing something nice for me, a complete stranger of the internet, you can.
Donate here.