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Version 0.6.0

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@lauramurgatroyd lauramurgatroyd released this 11 Apr 11:45
· 86 commits to main since this release
  • Use pip install in the conda recipe, instead of install
  • Adds the following new methods to UIFormWidget, FormWidget, FormDialog and FormDockWidget:
    • saveAllWidgetStates - Saves the state of all widgets in the form. This can be used to restore the state of the widgets using the restoreAllSavedWidgetStates method.
    • restoreAllSavedWidgetStates - Restores the state of all widgets in the form to the state saved by the saveAllWidgetStates method. If the saveAllWidgetStates method has not been called, this method will do nothing.
    • getAllWidgetStates - Returns a dictionary of the state of all widgets in the form.
    • getWidgetState - Returns the state of the widget.
    • applyWidgetState - Applies the given state to the widget with the given name.
    • applyWidgetStates - Applies the given state to the widgets in the form given by the keys of the state dictionary.
  • Adds an example of a FormDialog: where all of the widgets are saved and restored if you press "Ok", whereas the previous values of the dialog are restored if you press "Cancel".
  • Adds unit tests to cover: saveAllWidgetStates, restoreAllSavedWidgetStates, getAllWidgetStates, getWidgetState, applyWidgetState, applyWidgetStates
    • Always normalise the version from git describe to pep440
  • Adds - which is a base class for our apps which create a session folder where any files generated in the app are saved, and provides the ability to permanently save and reload sessions.
  • Adds - an example of using the SessionsMainWindow - you can run this example, change the state of widgets in the form, save the session, reload the session and see the state of the widgets be restored.
  • Adds - the dialogs used by the
  • Adds - contains method for zipping a directory, used by
  • Adds unit tests to cover,, and a large proportion of