Try a working verison of the app here ----> SameFlex
or you can view the repo here ---> Sameflex
SameFlex is an attempt at recreating a similar post-sharing site like reddit.
Some of the key functionality implemented is:
Article creation
Account creation
article and comment voting
Login functionality
infinate pagination
article and comment deletion
Dynamic navigation through the site e.g. clicking on user profile pictures or topic buttons to find relevant content.
SameFlex is primarily a light hearted take on social media distributions such as reddit and in part FaceBook.
The site has articles categorised by topic and the user who posted them, the articles can be sorted manually by post date, author or votes(Flex).
the user can navigate around the articles by clicking on a posting users profile image to get a list of their articles or clicking on a topic pill which will load articles of that topic.
by design the articles cannot be directly searched but using reach router each article has its own unique url which can be shared, or articles can discovered by clicking the supplied topic pills.
Each article can be upvoted (Flex) or downvoted (Hate).
logged in users can comment on articles and in turn these comments can also be voted on.
The site was built on top of a Knex and Express back end which can be found here ---> NC-News which is a production deployment of NC-News(repo).
Built with React^16.8.6 Bootstrapped with create-react-app
using styled components from Shards-React^1.0.3
Api interactions powered by axios^0.18.0
with site navigation powerd by @Reach-Router^1.2.1
infinate scrolling provided by react-infinite-scroller^1.2.4
Start by cloning this repository.
git clone
Once the download has completed you can install the dependencies.
cd SameFlex
npm install
Once all the dependencies have been installed you can run the app with
npm start