A simple Elasticseach client based on the 7.x HTTP API. This is by no means a full blown client and it support only a small sub set of the Elasticseach operations. Furethemore, when the Elasticteam will release a full Java client, this client will probably become redundent. Nevertheless, the client is very simple for use, supports the basic operations and is designed to easily be extended.
The supported operations are:
- Index creation and deletion
- Document creation and deletion
- Search by term and by query
- Aggregations with query
- Java 8
Index Operations
Create and delete
String settings = "{\"settings\": { \"index\": { \"number_of_shards\": 3, \"number_of_replicas\": 1 }}}";
String index = "reddit";
try (ESClient client = new ESClient("localhost", 9200)) {
Document Operations
String index = "reddit";
String doc = "post";
Post post0 = new Post();
try (ESClient client = new ESClient("localhost", 9200)) {
.single("100", post0);
String index = "reddit";
String doc = "post";
try (ESClient client = new ESClient("localhost", 9200)) {
Map<String, Object> response = client
Assert.assertEquals("deleted", response.get("result").toString());
Search Operations
Search by term
String index = "reddit";
String doc = "post";
try (ESClient client = new ESClient("localhost", 9200)) {
List<Post> posts = client
.byTerm("id", "1212")
Search by string query
String index = "reddit";
String doc = "post";
try (ESClient client = new ESClient("localhost", 9200)) {
List<Post> posts = client
Search by range
String index = "reddit";
String doc = "post";
Map<String, Object> rangeParams = new HashMap<String, Object>();
rangeParams.put("gte", "now-30d");
try (ESClient client = new ESClient("localhost", 9200)) {
List<Post> posts = client
Aggregation operations
Min aggregation
String index = "reddit";
String doc = "post";
try (ESClient client = new ESClient("localhost", 9200)) {
Double min = client
Max aggregation
String index = "reddit";
String doc = "post";
try (ESClient client = new ESClient("localhost", 9200)) {
Double max = client
Max aggregation with string query
String index = "reddit";
String doc = "post";
try (ESClient client = new ESClient("localhost", 9200)) {
Double max = client