Releases: Top-Q/jsystem
Releases · Top-Q/jsystem
Bug Fixes
- Issue #227 - Exception in thread "DefaultShutdownHook" while running with JSystem maven plugin
- Issue #319 - Java 9 Support - Enable JSystem to run with Java 9
- Issue #321 - Multiple selection doesn't save user selection
- Issue #330 - Parameters from type parameter provider are not fully shown in the Difido HTML report
- Issue #331 - Scenario Parameters are no longer working with JSystem 6.1.09. ArrayIndexOutOfBounds exception appears
New Features
- Issue #281 - Adapt the Difido reporter to the refactoring made in the Difido server
- Issue #294 - Allow adding items to the scenario context menu with plugins
- Issue #296 - Allow reading and executing building blocks also from jar files.
- Issue #297 - Remove the "New Features" tab from the properties dialog.
- Issue #303 - Allow building tests project even when it includes no system object project
- Issue #306 - Add the ability to configure the port in the SSH connection of the CLI system object
Bug Fixes
- Issue #196 - "" feature doesn't work
- Issue #292 - Bean dialog - References usage
- Issue #293 - Bean Dialog - empty input
This version is compatible with Difido version 2.0.05
New Features
- Issue #271 - Add minimum time interval between message to the Difido report
- Issue #273 - Show in the report the number of planned tests.
- Issue #280 - Change the archetypes to get the JSystem version from the properties
Bug Fixes
- Issue #272 - The Difido reports are not reading the properties file from the correct directory when running the Maven plugin from a folder which is not the root one.
This version is compatible with Difido version 2.0.04
Bug Fixes
- Issue #266 - JSystem Maven Plugin is always adding the JUnitReporter to the reporter.classes property
- Issue #268 - Unicode characters are not visible in the Difido server
New Features
- Issue #265 - Make the Difido report the default reporter
- Issue #267 - We should have a better message in case a wrong scenario is specified to the JSystem Maven Plugin
- Issue #260 - Scenario properties are not shown in the Difido report
- The Difido HTML report is now enabled by default.
- This version is compatible with Difido version 2.0.04