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Building your own JSystem version

Itai Agmon edited this page May 13, 2018 · 2 revisions

Building your own JSystem version

Building your own version of JSystem is a very easy process.

First, make sure that you have the following tools in your machine:

  • JDK
  • Maven
  • Git

Cloning the project

In order to get the JSystem code, from your operating system terminal or from the Git Bash, change to the folder you want to sources. Creating a git folder under your user folder can be a good place. Clone the project using the following command:

> git clone

Note: You can also use other methods like SSH or Subversion

Building the project

From the terminal, change folder to jsystem/jsystem-parent and type the following command

> mvn clean install -DskipTests=true -P dist

This will compile all the JSystem modules and will assembly the project. If everything went well you will have the JSystem package in jsystem\jsystem-assembly\jsystem-runner\target\runner\