This repo contains tools and scripts that I find nice to have on standby. Install all dependencies from 'installDependencies' for all tools to function.
git clone ~/tools
printf '\nexport PATH="$PATH:~/tools"\n\n' >> ~/.bashrc
- dropCache - Drops non-essential cache from memory, freeing up memory.
- unswapPages - Cycles swap to empty the whole swap.
- upgradeAndClean - Upgrades all packages, autoremove and clean.
- startVsCodeAsRoot - Starts Visual Studio Code as root.
- cleanSnaps - Removes old revisions of snaps.
- fixTimeDualboot - Sets system time to local for dualboot Windows/Linux.
- toClipboard - Copies all input to the clipboard.
- dockerStop - Stops all active docker containers.
- dockerContainerRm - Removes all docker containers.
- dockerPruneAll - Deletes all images and containers on the system.
- pythonUpdateAllPackages - Upgrades all Python packages
- unhideCursor - Unhides cursor if hidden.
- fixCracklingSound - Fixes crackling sound on HP Pavilion Gaming 15 cx0670nd on Ubuntu.