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Lukas Mansour edited this page Jul 8, 2019 · 14 revisions

Server Preparation

  1. Stop your server completely.
  2. Download any of the following:
  3. Copy the contents to your Plugins folder.
    • Towny.jar is required at all times
    • TownyChat.jar is required if you want Towny to modify chatting:
      • Adding prefixes and suffixes from your permissions plugin to chat
      • Adding town/nation/world to chat
      • Adding chat channels
    • TownyNameUpdater.jar is required if you want to keep Towny residents' names updated if they change their Minecraft name.
    • Vault.jar (separate download) is required if you use an economy plugin other than iConomy 5.0.1.
  4. Start your server.
  5. Stop your server.

Bypass Craftbukkit Version Check (Optional)

This step is no longer required for newer versions of Towny.

If you cannot find this step in your config.yml (which is likely the case), skip this step.

  1. Navigate to the newly-created plugins/Towny/Settings folder.
    • Open config.yml
    • Set bypass_version_check: true
    • Save config.yml
  2. Start your server.
  3. Stop your server.

Configuring Existing Worlds

  1. Navigate to the newly-created plugins/Towny/Data/Worlds folder.
  2. Open each worldname.txt.
  3. Edit each file accordingly.
    • This is the place to turn off plots regenerating if a townblock is lost.

Configuring config.yml

  1. Navigate to plugins/Towny/Settings
  2. Open config.yml
  3. Carefully edit config.yml to your liking, including:
    • Townblock size defaulting at 16x16 (CANNOT BE CHANGED LATER!).
    • Settings for new default worlds (Settings for new worldname.txt files).
    • Settings for new towns.
  4. Change the economy settings:
    • If you do not use an economy plugin, set using_economy: false.
    • If you are using a UUID version of EssentialsEco, add NPC: to the beginning of Town- and Nation- in new_world_settings:
      • From this:
        prefix: Town-
        prefix: Nation-
      • To this:
        prefix: NPC:Town-
        prefix: NPC:Nation-
  5. Set the permissions:
  • Set using_permissions: true if you have a permissions plugin.
  • Your permissions plugin should be detected.
  1. Save config.yml.
  2. Start your server. You are now ready to begin your own town.

Configuring townyperms.yml (semi-optional)

  1. Navigate to plugins/Towny/Settings.
  2. Open townyperms.yml
  3. Carefully read over the default groups/ranks.
  4. Add and remove permission nodes as you see fit.
  5. Optionally, add your own ranks for mayors to promote (or demote) their residents to.
  6. Save townyperms.yml.
  7. Perform /ta reload in-game to see your changes.

Configuring channels.yml (optional)

This step is optional if you have TownyChat.jar.

  1. Navigate to plugins/Towny/Settings
  2. Open channels.yml.
  3. Edit channels.yml to your liking.
  4. Save channels.yml.
  5. Perform /ta reload in-game to see your changes.

Configuring chatconfig.yml (optional)

This step is optional if you have TownyChat.jar.

  1. Navigate to plugins/Towny/Settings
  2. Open chatconfig.yml.
  3. Edit chatconfig.yml to your liking.
  4. Save chatconfig.yml.
  5. Perform /ta reload in-game to see your changes.

Towny Advanced

  • Home
  • FAQ
  • How Towny Works - Comprehensive guide for admins & players.
  • Video Tutorials - Watch and learn with Major Graft.
  • TownyAPI - Guide for plugin developers.
  • Discord - Get involved with other Towny Admins, Plugin Developers, Testers. Support, General Discussion welcome.




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